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Humanitarian Situation In Ukraine 03 05 22

Unfortunately, the humanitarian situation in Ukraine is rapidly deteriorating and continues to take on catastrophic proportions, Chief of the National Centre for State Defence Control, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev reported on on Saturday.

Taking into account the insistent requests of the Ukrainian side and exclusively for humanitarian purposes, today from 10 a.m. Moscow time, a silence regime has once again been declared for the exit of civilians from Mariupol and Volnovakha. At the same time, routes and all transport logistics of humanitarian corridors have been worked out in detail and agreed upon with the Ukrainian side. The Russian Armed Forces have ensured their safety.

Representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Kiev and Moscow have been notified in advance.

"Unfortunately, as of the current moment, we have reliable information that out of the declared 200 thousand refugees from Mariupol and 15 thousand from Volnovakha, no one has arrived at the open humanitarian corridors. It has been reliably established that the nationalists do not release civilians and foreign citizens from these settlements," Mizintsev stressed.

From 10 o'clock in the morning, with five unmanned aerial vehicles, three over Mariupol, two over Volnovakha, we conducted intensive monitoring of the situation in these settlements. According to the results of objective control, it was established that the formation of no humanitarian columns was carried out, but on the contrary, the silence regime was actively used for the intensive regrouping of AFU units and national battalions in defensive positions and throughout Mariupol, as well as the movement of weapons and military equipment to more advantageous positions.

A similar situation was noted in Volnovakha. The operational pause is used only to improve the situation of the national battalions and build up forces and means.

"Today I have to address directly to the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Ukraine Irina Vereshchuk, with whom we have worked intensively and interacted over the past day, while we have fulfilled all her wishes and requests. If the Kiev regime has dragged you into this special provocative operation to create more favorable conditions for the defending Nazis in these localities, then say so, you personally tell this to the Ukrainian people, who will give their political assessment of your actions," General stated.

The militants of the nationalist battalions continue to hold about five thousand foreigners hostage as a human shield, including:

in Kharkiv - up to 1.5 thousand students from India, up to 200 citizens of Jordan, 40 citizens of Egypt, 15 citizens of Vietnam; in Sumy - 576 citizens of India, 159 citizens of Tanzania, 121 citizens of China, 100 students from Ghana, 60 citizens of Egypt, 45 citizens of Jordan, 16 students from Pakistan, 15 citizens of Tunisia and 14 citizens of Zambia.

"To our proposals to open humanitarian corridors in Kharkiv and Sumy, the Ukrainian side has so far refused," General Mizintsev noted.

The situation is aggravated by the monstrous increase in crime provoked by the Ukrainian government, which indiscriminately armed residents of cities, radical elements, criminals released early by the same criminal authorities from places of detention.

Taking advantage of their impunity and actually becoming a parallel government, with the complete loss of civil law governance, bandits are rampaging in settlements, killing, robbing and raping. The country is overwhelmed by a wave of looting. The Ukrainian people are intimidated, the atrocities of the Nazis have become widespread.

In addition, cases of discrimination of human rights on racial grounds have become more frequent, namely, nationalist activists prevent the evacuation of foreigners, especially those with dark skin color, as well as citizens of India, Israel, Indonesia, Pakistan and Egypt.

Russian General, once again called on the collective West to stop the flow of politically motivated lies about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine, and the world community and the entire civilized world to actively engage in work to force the Kiev regime to comply with the rules of humane treatment of the civilian population.

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