, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russian Defence Ministry's Report On Humanitarian Situation In Ukraine 03 09 22

Russian Defence Ministry's Report On Humanitarian Situation In Ukraine 03 09 22

The humanitarian situation throughout Ukraine continues to deteriorate rapidly, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the Russian National Center for Defense Management said on Wednesday.

In Mariupol, the conditions of citizens, as a result of the monstrous actions of the nationalists and the city administration, has reached catastrophic proportions.
In the same city, on Kuprina street, nationalists blew up a power line and several tanks with fuel, without evacuating nearby residential buildings.
In Sumy, the nationalists of territorial defence, who allegedly assumed obligations to ensure law and order, do not prevent a surge in looting, moreover, they have formed a criminal community.
The children's hospital building is used by the Sumy territorial defence unit as a stronghold.
There are two territorial defence checkpoints on the Sumy-Grayvoron highway, the personnel of which are in civilian clothing, armed with small arms and Molotov cocktails with the task of preventing the exit of refugees.
In Kharkiv, nationalists, under threat of using weapons, force local residents to set up barricades of car tires at every intersection in order to prevent civilians from reaching humanitarian corridors.
Ordinary Ukrainians come to understand that they mean nothing to the current regime. Residents of cities and towns have lost their already dubious faith in the current government, which prefers not to notice human suffering.
Moreover, the Kiev regime has sanctioned nationalists to use weapons against those who attempt to evacuate to the Russian Federation, threatening to kill relatives remaining on Ukrainian territory. There are threats of physical violence from radicals against those who are trying to receive humanitarian aid.
The civilized world, the UN, the OSCE, the International Committee of the Red Cross, as well as other international organizations in the catastrophic situation that has developed for Ukraine have no moral right to stand aside, ordinary Ukrainians and foreign citizens should not "one on one" fight Nazism that has overwhelmed the Kiev authorities.
We appeal to reputable international organizations, to the International Committee of the Red Cross with a request to take urgent measures to encourage the Kiev authorities to carry out the entire complex of measures to prepare for the evacuation and the formation of humanitarian convoys. And the most important thing is that notification of the gathering places and the opening of humanitarian corridors should be carried out through all communication channels, as well as using a centralized information and notification system for the population. We very much hope for your effective monitoring mechanism, including on the ground, how the mayors of Ukrainian cities are in practice preparing for humanitarian operations, as the lies and deception of the Kiev authorities are becoming unbearable.
We have sent an official appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross on this issue. The militants of the nationalist battalions continue to use prohibited methods of warfare, namely, violence to life and physical integrity, murder, torture of civilians. At present, the radicals continue to hold more than four and a half million civilians hostage as "human shields," as well as 1,197 foreigners who have already expressed a desire to evacuate to places of safety from the horrors and arbitrariness of the neo-Nazis.
At the same time, without the participation of the Ukrainian side, 5,460 people, including 1,125 children, were evacuated from dangerous zones in various regions of Ukraine, as well as the Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics during the day. In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, there have been more than 179 thousand people, including 45,436 children evacuated.
20,961 vehicles crossed the state border of the Russian Federation, including 867 vehicles per day.
Yesterday, as a result of the humanitarian operation carried out by the Russian Federation, 247 foreign citizens were evacuated from dangerous areas of the Kherson region to Novorossiysk, including 166 from Turkey, 41 from Ukraine, 11 from Egypt, 8 from Italy, 7 from Azerbaijan, 6 from Pakistan, 5 from India, one each from Sweden, Morocco and Brazil.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that all evacuated citizens, including foreigners, are fully provided with comfortable conditions for recreation, hot meals, and medical assistance has been provided to those in need.
More than 9.5 thousand temporary accommodation centers continue to function normally in the regions of the Russian Federation. Individual work is organized with each person arriving in Russia.
A sufficient number of vehicles for the transportation of refugees are kept in constant readiness at checkpoints and places of temporary accommodation.

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