, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Shoigu Advises Putin To Strengthen Russia's Western Borders In Response To NATO Actions

Shoigu Advises Putin To Strengthen Russia's Western Borders In Response To NATO Actions

The General Staff has analysed all the measures taken by the West to beef up their forces near Russia’s western borders, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin at the Security Council on Friday.

"New units are arriving every day, and they are deploying them at a time when absolutely nothing threatens them. Nevertheless, we believe that they want to take advantage of this situation and to saturate the area along the border with forces and resources to the maximum extent, and they will undoubtedly want to preserve this situation for a long time.

Consequently, the General Staff is drafting and has nearly completed a plan for reinforcing Russia’s western borders, including, naturally, with those new modern systems and the deployment of military units to defend our western borders.

We are waiting for your instruction, so that we can report on our proposals at the next Security Council meeting or in any other format, for their subsequent approval" he reported.

"The matter deals with the reinforcement of the Russian Federation’s western borders in view of the NATO countries’ actions in this area and in response to what they are doing. This calls for a separate discussion. I would like to ask you to prepare a report on the issue separately. We will make the decision following its discussion in the near future," Putin replied.

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