, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Submits Documents For 2024 Presidential Candidacy

Putin Submits Documents For 2024 Presidential Candidacy

Vladimir Putin has submitted all the necessary paperwork to the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC) to run for head of state in 2024.

Putin is running as an independent candidate. According to presidential election law in Russia, he had to gather 500 registered voters who support his campaign. The group met on December 16, and the participants unanimously supported Putin.

The set of documents submitted to the CEC includes an application to register the group with the personal data of the candidate and all participants, the protocol of the meeting, a list of the group's commissioners, the candidate's declaration of consent to run, and a number of other documents.

The presidential election will take place on March 15–17, 2024.

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