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Putin Attends Crimean Spring Concert

President Vladimir Putin of Russia attended Crimean Spring: Five Years at Home Harbour concert held to mark the fifth anniversary of the 2014 Crimean referendum and Crimea’s reunification with Russia.

Putin Meets with the Public of Crimea & Sevastopol

In Simferopol, President of Russia Vladimir Putin met with representatives of the public of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Putin Meets with French Public Members in Crimea

During his visit to Crimea, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with members of the public of the French Republic in Simferopol.

Putin Visits Malakhov Kurgan Memorial Complex

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Malakhov Kurgan memorial complex where he saw the museum exhibit on the feats accomplished by Russian soldiers in the Crimean War and laid flowers at the monument to Vice Admiral Vladimir Kornilov.

During his visit to the Malakhov Kurgan memorial complex, Vladimir Putin briefly spoke to Sevastopol residents. They discussed, in particular, plans for rebuilding the Sapun Mountain memorial complex as part of the preparations for celebrations of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War and a proposal to restore the legendary brig, Mercurius, that was part of sea battles in the Russo-Turkish War.

Putin Launches Power Stations in Crimea

President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the ceremony launching the Balaklavskaya thermal power plant and launched the Tavricheskaya TPP and the Port substation in Taman via videoconference.

The inauguration ceremony of the new power units was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov.

The first power units of the 470 MW Balaklavskaya and Tavricheskaya TPPs came into operation in October 2018.

President Putin's Speech at RSPP Congress

President Vladimir Putin of Russia spoke at a plenary session of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs congress (RSPP).

The Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs congress is taking place during the Russian Business Week (March 11–15), which focuses on new proposals regarding the topical areas of interaction between businesses and the state.

After the plenary session, the President met with members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs’ Bureau.

Russia's Top Diplomat Says 'Trump Attempt to Purchase Allies'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov answer to Russia Today (RT) question about the President Trump, who asked Congress to allocate half a billion dollars for Europe to counter Russia's malign influence in that region.

Lavrov’s Remarks After Talks with Austria's Kneissl

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a joint news conference following talks with Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs Karin Kneissl in Moscow.

Female Mounted Police Hosts Russian President Ahead of International Wom...

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the 1st Operational Police Regiment of the Interior Ministry Main Department for Moscow at the invitation of female mounted and tourist police officers ahead of International Women’s Day.

The President was informed about the history, equipment, performance and duties of the mounted and tourist police.

After that Vladimir Putin watched an equestrian show, met a retired police lieutenant colonel, Great Patriotic War veteran Oraz Mamraliyev and talked to the women serving in the regiment.

The President extended his greetings to the female police officers on International Women's Day and noted that the unit in which they serve is unique. There are more than 800 officers in the regiment, one-third of them women.

Vladimir Putin presented an Orlov Trotter to the regiment. They reciprocated by giving the President a horseshoe for luck.

The 1st Operational Regiment was established to maintain order and public safety during major events and to patrol the city’s park belt on horseback, and also as a rapid deployment unit to deal with violations of public order by groups of people. The regiment comprises the 1st and 2nd Mounted Police Battalions and the 3rd Tourist Police Battalion.

President Putin's Remarks at FSB Board Annual Meeting

President Vladimir Putin of Russia took part in the annual expanded Board meeting of the Federal Security Service (FSB).

The meeting was held to discuss the Service’s performance in 2018 and priorities for 2019.

Valentina Matviyenko Welcomes Delcy Rodríguez to Russian Federation Council

Vladimir Zhirinovsky Predicts War Against Russia

Remarks by LDPR Leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

President Putin Meets Athletes of 2019 Winter Universiade

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Universiade village and met with members of the Russian national team in Krasnoyarsk.

During the discussion, the President highlighted the unprecedented massive scale of the 2019 Winter Universiade that kicked off in Krasnoyarsk and the importance of the development of sport in the regions.

Before the meeting with athletes the President visited the Universiade’s operational centre located in Siberian Federal University.

Images from the Universiade village and competition venues are displayed on the screens in the centre. Representatives of different agencies can monitor the incoming information in real time.

Russia is hosting the Winter Universiade for the first time. A total of 76 sets of medals in 11 sports will be awarded. The XXIX Games kicked off on March 2 and will end on March 12.

Minister Lavrov's Remarks After Talks with EVP Rodríguez

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's remarks following talks with Executive Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

Sergey Lavrov Welcomes Delcy Rodríguez to Moscow

Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov meets with Executive Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

President Putin Briefs Press on Outcome of Talks with PM Netanyahu

After an expanded meeting of the Interior Ministry Board, Vladimir Putin answered journalist question about outcome of the President’s talks with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

President Putin's Message on Interaction of Law & Business

After an expanded meeting of the Interior Ministry Board, Vladimir Putin answered journalists’ questions about relations between law enforcement and the business community.

Putin's Speech at Expanded Meeting of the Interior Ministry Board

Putin Attends Gala Evening Marking the Day of Special Operations Forces

Vladimir Putin attended a gala evening marking the Day of Special Operations Forces, a branch of the Armed Forces of Russia.

Also,  President  Putin decorated Vladimir Kovtun with the Hero of Russia Star for his part in a special operation in Afghanistan.

Lavrov Accuses US of Preparing Military Intervention in Venezuela

Sergey Lavrov, answering a journalist's question on Venesuela (during a joint press conference after the RIC Ministerial Summit), said: "We see some completely shameless attempts to artificially create a pretext for a military intervention; we can hear direct threats from Washington that all the options remain “on the table...This doctrine means that the Americans are arrogating the right to use force wherever they please to overthrow regimes that for some reason they are not happy with."

President Putin Meets Prime Minister Netanyahu in the Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin received in the Kremlin Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in Russia on a working visit.

President Putin Hosts a Cabinet Meeting in the Kremlin

President Vladimir Putin of Russia held a regular meeting with members of the Government Cabinet in the Kremlin.

The agenda focused on Arctic development.

Other issues concerned the implementation of instructions following the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly.

Lavrov’s Remarks After Talks Between RIC Foreign Ministers

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a joint news conference following talks between RIC foreign ministers in Wuzhen.

Speech by Sergey Lavrov at RIC Ministerial Summit in Wuzhen

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov opening remarks at a meeting of the foreign ministers of Russia, India and China (RIC) in Wuzhen, China.

Lavrov’s Speech at Russian-Vietnamese Conference of Valdai Club

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech at the Russian-Vietnamese conference of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Ho Chi Minh City.

Sergey Lavrov Meets Nguyen Thien Nhan in Ho Chi Minh City

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at the meeting with Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan in Ho Chi Minh City.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...