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Putin Himself Tests Sputnik Protection Against Covid-19

Vladimir Putin has reported that his antibody titers against coronavirus remain high and expressed hope that the Sputnik V vaccine will demonstrate its high efficacy in "real life." Earlier, the president said that he had to self-isolate due to contacts with people infected with the coronavirus in his inner circle.

As the Kremlin press service noted, Putin will participate in the events along the lines of the SCO, and the CSTO planned for this week in Dushanbe in a video conference format and not face-to-face. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov assured journalists that the president himself was in good health.

Putin Will Self-Isolate Due To COVID Cases In His Inner Circle

Vladimir Putin said in conversation with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon that he would have to self-isolate due to COVID-19 cases in his inner circle, the Kremlin reports on Tuesday.

"Vladimir Putin said that due to identified coronavirus cases in his inner circle he should observe self-isolation for some time," the statement reads.

In this light, the Russian leader will attend the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) events planned to be held this week in Dushanbe via videoconference, the Kremlin specified.

Also, the meeting with the Iranian leader has been postponed for an indefinite period. Putin and Raisi were to meet on the sidelines of the SCO summit in Dushanbe.

Putin, Assad Discuss Situation In Syria

Vladimir Putin had a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad at the Kremlin where they discussed the political situation in Syria, international terrorism as well as issues of bilateral and humanitarian cooperation.

In the beginning of the talks, Putin said that he is glad to welcome Assad in Moscow and congratulated him on the occasion of his birthday on September 11 and for the "very good result at the presidential elections" which were held on May 26 and were won by Assad with more than 95% support.
The Russian leader recalled that through the joint efforts the two countries managed to liberate the majority of Syrian territories from terrorists (as the Syrian government currently controls more than 90% of the country), while refugees actively return to liberated areas and people are rebuilding their homes. According to Putin, Assad is actively working to improve dialogue with his political opponents. The Russian leader voiced hope that this process would continue.
At the same time, Putin slammed the presence of foreign troops in several regions in Syria without a UN decision or Assad’s permission as a problem as, he believes, it prevents the country from "undertaking best efforts for the country’s consolidation."
In turn, Assad underlined that political meetings and talks held in Sochi and Nur-Sultan had particularly facilitated the normalization in Syria. "I would like to highlight the fact that the political processes which we used to carry out stopped approximately three years ago. There are certain reasons behind it. There are some states who do everything possible to destructively affect the opportunity to organize political processes," the Syrian leader emphasized.
He once again underlined that Russia made a large contribution to the victory over terrorists in Syria, thanking Putin for the assistance provided and also praising the Russian Foreign Ministry. According to Assad, the actions of two countries generally "made a huge contribution to the cause of protecting the whole humanity" from terrorism.

Putin Watches Zapad-2021 Exercise

On Monday, Vladimir Putin arrived in the Nizhny Novgorod region to observe the main stage of the Zapad-2021 Russian-Belarusian joint strategic drills at the Mulino testing ground.

During the main stage of the exercises, Russian army units, jointly with military contingents from Armenia, Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia will drill joint actions to repel an enemy offensive, to conduct flexible defense, to deliver targeted fire attack and crush the enemy.
The drills are held on a vast territory spanning from the Baltic coastline in the westernmost Kaliningrad region to firing ranges in the Voronezh and Nizhny Novgorod regions in central European Russia. The exercises involve about 200,000 troops, more than 80 warplanes and helicopters, up to 760 combat vehicles, including 290 tanks, more than 240 missile systems and mortars, and up to 15 warships. Of them, 12,800 troops, including up to 2,500 Russian servicemen, more than 30 warplanes and helicopters, up to 350 combat vehicles, including 140 tanks and up to 110 missile systems will be involved in the drills on Belarus’ territory.
150 international observers are monitoring the progress of the maneuvers.
At the exercise, Putin was shown combat robots in action. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu briefed the head of state on this new type of military hardware.

Putin Presents State Awards To Winners Of Tokyo Paralympics

Vladimir Putin on Monday presented state awards to the gold medalists of the Tokyo Paralympics at a ceremony in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

On Saturday, September 11, Putin signed a decree to confer state awards upon the Paralympics medalists. Swimmer Denis Tarasov was decorated with Order of Merit and all other gold medalists, with the Order of Friendship.

Earlier on Monday, Paralympics silver and bronze medalists were honored at a ceremony in the Kremlin. Presidential aide Igor Levitin presented the state awards to them.

Female judo wrestler Viktoria Potapova and shooter Sergey Malyshev, both bronze medalists, were awarded the Order of Friendship. The other silver and bronze winners received the medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland (second and first degree). Potapova and Malyshev earned such state decorations before.

The Paralympic Games were held in Tokyo on August 24 - September 5. The Russian Paralympic Committee's team won 36 golds, 33 silvers and 49 bronzes to place fourth in the overall medal count. China was first, Britain, second and the US, third.

Zakharova Provides Facts VS BBC Rainsford's Fantasies

Maria Zakharova said that "despite our numerous and exhaustive clarifications regarding the reasons for denying Sarah Rainsford the renewal of a journalist visa and revoking her accreditation as a BBC correspondent in response to harassment bordering on undisguised mockery and humiliation launched by London against the Russian media, she continues to make public statements which make one doubt not only her professional integrity, but elementary human decency as well. I would like to emphasise that we have received media inquiries asking us to note that Russian journalists feel humiliated by Sarah Rainsford in connection with her remarks concerning a number of Russian media."

In a recent interview with a Russian media outlet, this British woman, whose name has almost become a household name, is skillfully combining tearful stories about her emotional experiences in connection with the departure with speculation based on some of her “feelings” and references to “unnamed sources,” as well as with outright lies, and continues to pretend that not only does she not understand the origin of the problem, but considers herself a victim of an “attack on freedom of speech” in Russia while at the same time casting aspersions on her Russian colleagues. I think it is time for this correspondent to begin realising that she is offending Russian journalists. She is saying things that are far from reality and questions the work of her colleagues. Commenting on the Russian media and their members, she, as the journalists told us, did not ask them for comments, clarifications or interviews. She's a BBC journalist after all, Russian diplomat stressed.
By questioning our clearly expressed willingness to revise her case based on reciprocal steps from the UK, Ms Rainsford is showing disrespect for the Russian authorities. It’s in their interests to take us up on that gesture of goodwill not to escalate this vicious practice of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” and to give London a chance to save its face and issue a visa to a Russian correspondent. Then, we will be willing to issue a visa to this BBC correspondent.
Once visas are issued to the Russian correspondents, Ms Rainsford can feel free to contact the Russian consulate. No more fantasies please. We will provide facts every time the British correspondent comes up with a fantasy. Probably, it will sound really harsh. But we were not the ones to invite you to this “path,” Zakharova noted.

Zakharova Refutes Catalan Story By The New York Times

According to Maria Zakharova, the absolutely delusional content of the Catalan story published in The New York Times clearly shows that the publication, with its history and traditions, again becoming a hostage of their own unprofessionalism, or even an instrument in the hands of some lobbying centres.

A couple of days ago, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a refutation of a NYT article, Married Kremlin Spies, a Shadowy Mission to Moscow and Unrest in Catalonia, on its webpage devoted to examples of publications replicating false information about Russia. Actually, if it were not so long, it could be of use to the James Bond franchise, except that there they seem to employ “talented” people who come up with creative headlines. If anything, this piece can be defined as bad fiction. It would be a stretch to call it journalism because it is fake from beginning to end.
As for the aforementioned New York Times misinformation, Russia, for our part, have promptly reacted to it by publishing a refutation. The problem is that nonsense cannot be refuted. This is their true strength. They publish things that are difficult to disprove. One can disprove an incorrectly presented fact, an incorrect quote, or a wrong date. But absurdity is impossible to refute. Apparently, this is the two journalists’ most valuable skill. Their names are known to us; Michael Schwirtz and Jose Bautista have been added to the history of world fakes. They have been hailed as world-class bunglers for an entire week already.
According to Lippmann and Merz, from the end of 1917 to the end of 1919, the New York Times reported 91 times that the Soviet government had fallen or was about to fall. This is just one aspect, and the NYT reported a non-existent story 91 times. It was a hundred years ago; but, as they say, if the tradition is good, why change it? Still, there are journalistic standards; people learn from mistakes, their own or someone else's. You need to change. It's time.
Isn’t this amazing? A hundred years later, they still work the same way. The journalistic standards of some newspapers never change. Bravo, New York Times! Nevertheless, we are hoping against hope that you will draw some conclusions from this lesson, Zakharova stressed.

Putin's Remarks At The Unveiling Of The Memorial Prince Alexander Nevsky

On Saturday, Vladimir Putin participates in the unveiling ceremony of the memorial Prince Alexander Nevsky and his Retinue in the Pskov Region.

Attending the event were Chairman of the Patriarchal Council on Culture Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Pskov and Porkhov, Presidential Aide and Chairman of the Russian Military Historical Society Vladimir Medinsky, and Governor of the Pskov Region Mikhail Vedernikov. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia blessed the monument.
After the ceremony the President viewed the chapel in the name of the saint prince and briefly talked to members of the Russian Student Construction Brigades and Culture Volunteers, who were participants in beautification projects in villages adjacent to the historical and cultural complex.
The unveiling of the memorial on the shore of Lake Chudskoye is a centrepiece of the celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Nevsky, which, in accordance with presidential executive order, was marked in 2021. The bulk of the structure is a 50-tonne sculptural composition comprising the figures of the prince and knights and, directly above them – a bannerol and two banners featuring faces of the saints. The back of the memorial consists of a mosaic frieze.

Zakharova Exposes The West's Hysteria Over The Facts Navalny's Foreign Sponsorship

Moscow did not seek to accuse anyone when putting forward facts proving that Alexey Navalny’s projects had been funded through German and US embassy workers, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on remarks by Berlin and Washington, which claimed that those statements were groundless.

Foreign embassies in Moscow hired Russian nationals and paid them money in the form of salaries and bonuses, and those people, in turn, transferred money to the relevant organizations. These are just facts and we have confirmed them, she pointed out. When they accuse us, they don’t present any evidence, though they come up with a punishment right away and try to implement it, but when we point to facts without bringing forward any accusations, they end up in hysterics, Zakharova added.
According to her, Germany is not at all embarrassed to allege that Russian government agencies seek to fabricate an accusation of funding the blogger. We don’t fabricate anything, we simply point to established facts and we do it when responding to media questions, the Russian diplomat noted.
The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman earlier wrote on Telegram that reports about Navalny being sponsored by staff from foreign embassies had been confirmed. According to her, most funds were transferred through the US and German embassies.

Putin Pays Last Respects To Late Yevgeny Zinichev

On Friday, Vladimir Putin attended the final farewell ceremony for late Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev held in the building of the ministry’s National Crisis Management Center.

The official mourning ceremony, which started at 7:00 a.m., is divided into several parts. Colleagues, friends, and co-workers were able to pay their last respects from 09:00 to 10:30 a.m. Moscow Time.

The minister buried on the same day in Russia’s second-largest city of St. Petersburg, where he was born.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Emergencies Ministry said that its Minister Yevgeny Zinichev, 55, died in the line of duty during drills in the Arctic city of Norilsk while saving a man’s life. Putin expressed his sincere condolences over the minister’s death and awarded him the Hero of Russia title posthumously.

Zinichev had worked in state security bodies since 1987. In late July 2016, he was appointed acting governor of the Kaliningrad Region. From October 2016 to May 2018, he served as deputy director of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). Zinichev had occupied the post of Russia’s Emergencies Minister since May 2018.

Putin Awards The Winners Of The Tokyo Olympics

Russian Gold medalists of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo were awarded state decorations by Vladimir Putin at a ceremony in the Catherine Hall of the Kremlin, on Saturday.

Earlier that day, Presidential Aide Igor Levitin presented state decorations to the silver and bronze medallists of the Tokyo Olympics.

Putin Greets Muscovites On City Day

Vladimir Putin participates in gala at the Zaryadye concert hall, celebrating the 874th anniversary of Moscow, on Saturday.

Zakharova Responds To German's Sasse on Accusations Of 'Hacker Attacks'

Maria Zakharova noted a new list of anti-Russia accusations by German Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Spokeswoman Andrea Sasse at a government news conference on September 6. she spoke about the activities of “Ghostwriter,” a group of hackers allegedly directed by Russian government agencies against the deputies of federal and local parliaments of Germany.

This is not the first time Russia has been accused of involvement in hacker attacks on German deputies. Germany made similar allegations in 2015 and 2017. the internet remembers everything. it is easy to find this information through search engines and you will understand that after the 2017 parliamentary elections the then German Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere had to acknowledge the absence of any Russian influence on the voting. however, apparently Berlin is not learning from its past mistakes.
Despite our repeated requests via diplomatic channels, our German partners have not presented any evidence of Russia’s involvement in hacker attacks. I would like to emphasise that we used existing diplomatic channels for this purpose. Russian proposals to conduct a joint inquiry were ignored. at the same time, Germany has initiated two packages of anti-Russia sanctions from the EU in this context. Russia are convinced that in the case of Ghostwriter, these allegations have a foreign policy background like the similar groundless US accusations against Russia. it appears that this is yet another PR escapade in the context of the domestic political struggle in Germany on the eve of the elections to the Bundestag on September 26, 2021.
like a bad student, in accusing Russia, Berlin is trying to parrot its overseas teacher and copy whatever it does in the hope of getting good marks and gaining political points. Such statements have nothing to do with the efforts to counter threats in the information space and promote international cooperation on information security.
Russia opposes this rhetoric and these groundless accusations that are part of the campaign, to a consistent course of developing equitable, professional relations with all states in the bilateral, regional and global formats.

Lavrov: Russia Ready To Facilitate Dialogue Between Israel, Palestine

Moscow is ready to help establish direct dialogue between Israel and Palestine, Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference following talks with Israeli top diplomat Yair Lapid on Thursday.

"We welcome the normalization of ties between Israel and a number of Arab countries and support the continuation of this process. We believe that it should help promote efforts to achieve a comprehensive Middle East settlement. We have reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to facilitating activities aimed at establishing direct dialogue between the Israelis and the Palestinians both through bilateral channels and the Quartet of international mediators," Lavrov pointed out.

Construction Of Nord Stream 2 Completed

Nord Stream 2 is completely ready.

Сonstruction was completed today, Gazprom reported. According to the project operator, Nord Stream 2, the Danish and German sections of the second string were connected in the morning.

Fuel supplies to Europe are planned to begin by the end of the year. The gas pipeline from the Russian coast through the Baltic Sea to Germany runs through the territorial waters of five countries. In addition to Russia and Germany, these are Finland, Sweden and Denmark.

The project was actively opposed by the United States, which is promoting its liquefied natural gas to the EU, as well as Ukraine, which is afraid of losing transit revenues.

Lavrov Diagnoses The Kiev Authorities With 'Schizophrenia'

Sergey Lavrov branded Ukraine’s calls for an immediate meeting in the Normandy format in case of refusal to fulfill the Minsk agreements as "foreign policy schizophrenia."

The Normandy format must carry out the work entrusted to it by the leaders of the four states, this means creating conditions for the concrete implementation of the Minsk agreements in their entirety and consistency, he said at a press conference on Thursday.

When the Ukrainian side, out of the mouth of their foreign minister, calls for a meeting in the Normandy format as soon as possible, and at the same time other members of the Ukrainian leadership declare that they will not fulfill these agreements - it is such a split in consciousness, foreign policy schizophrenia, this is being observed, he added.

The minister drew attention to the fact that Ukraine is adopting laws that "pull the plug on the Minsk agreements."

Otherwise, it is difficult to characterize the law that prohibits the use of the Russian language, as well as the law that is being discussed in the Verkhovna Rada concerning amnesties, the special status of Donbass and the special procedure for organizing elections there, Lavrov noted.

Lavrov noted that a meeting in the Normandy format does not make sense until it is put on record that the implementation of the Minsk agreements will be discussed there.

As soon as we establish clearly and unambiguously that the Normandy format will continue to do nothing other than the implementation of the Minsk agreements, instead of an attempt to rewrite them or involve other countries, it hardly makes sense to get together, he said.

Zapad-2021 Joint Strategic Exercise Began

The joint strategic exercise Zapad-2021 involves about 200 thousand military personnel, more than 80 aircraft and helicopters, up to 760 units of military equipment, including more than 290 tanks, more than 240 guns, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, as well as up to 15 ships.

Of these, 12,800 people, including up to 2,500 Russian servicemen, more than 30 aircraft and helicopters, up to 350 units of military equipment, including about 140 tanks, up to 110 guns, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, are involved in the exercise on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

From the member states of the CSTO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other friendly countries, about 2 thousand military personnel take part in the Zapad-2021 exercise as part of the created coalition group of troops.

At the same time, the maximum number of personnel involved in the exercise of military units under a single operational command subject to the 2011 Vienna Document on Confidence-Building and Security Measures in the territory of the Russian Federation will not exceed 6,400 people, respectively.

The objectives of the exercise are to check the level of readiness and ability of the military command bodies of the troops of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation to take joint actions in solving the tasks of ensuring military security and territorial integrity of the Union State, their interaction during combat operations; to get practice by commanders, commanders and headquarters for the management of troops during joint actions to repel aggression against the Union State.

The joint strategic exercise of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus takes place every two years in accordance with the decision taken by the heads of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The Zapad-2021 exercise is the final stage of the joint training of the armed forces of the two states this year.

Putin, Lukashenko Discuss Development Programs Of The Union State

On Thursday, talks between Vladimir Putin and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who is in Russia on a working visit, took place in the Kremlin.

The main topic of discussion is the development of the Union State.

Lavrov's Remarks After Talks With Israel's Lapid

Sergey Lavrov delivers remarks at a joint news conference following talks with Foreign Minister of the State of Israel Yair Lapid, on Thursday.

The ministers condemned attempts to rewrite the history of WWII and the glorification of fascism in some countries.
Naturally, they discussed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the situation in Syria.

Putin's Remarks At the Russian Victory Committee

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks at the meeting of the Russian Pobeda (Victory) Organising Committee via videoconference, on Thursday.

Putin's Remarks At The BRICS Summit

Vladimir Putin delivers remarks at the 13th BRICS summit, held under India’s chairmanship via videoconference, on Thursday.

The theme of the summit is “BRICS@15: Intra-BRICS cooperation for continuity, consolidation and consensus.”
The summit was attended by President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, President of China Xi Jinping, and President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa. The key agreements have been laid down in the New Delhi Declaration.

Putin Honors The Memory Of The Late Minister Zinichev

Vladimir Putin began his working day on Thursday, with a minute of silence in tribute to Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev, who tragically died the day before.

The Emergencies Ministry said earlier on Wednesday that Zinichev, 55, had been killed in the line of duty during the Norilsk exercise. He was appointed Acting Governor of Russia’s Kaliningrad region in July 2016, served as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) between October 2016 and May 2018, and took the position of the emergencies minister on May 18, 2018.
On Thursday, President of Russia awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to General of the Army Yevgeny Zinichev (posthumously) for heroism, bravery and courage displayed in his line of duty.

Lavrov’s Condolences Over The Death Of Emergencies Minister Zinichev

Sergey Lavrov’s condolences over the death of Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev.

Russian Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev died during the drills in the Arctic city of Norilsk as he was saving other person’s life, the ministry reported on Wednesday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his deepest condolences over the tragic death of Emergencies Minister Yevgeny Zinichev.
Putin and Zinichev worked together for many years. It is a great loss.The president has sent a message of condolences to Zinichev’s family and friends.
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin also sent a telegram with words of condolences. "We are all deeply shocked by the tragic death of Yevgeny Zinichev. He was a proper Russian officer who considered honest, devoted service to the Motherland and the people to be his life's work. A high-class professional, competent and principled leader, Yevgeny Zinichev enjoyed considerable authority. We will forever preserve good memory about this strong, courageous and selfless man, a Russian officer, defender of the Fatherland."
The Emergencies Ministry said earlier on Wednesday that Zinichev, 55, had been killed in the line of duty during the Norilsk exercise. He was appointed Acting Governor of Russia’s Kaliningrad region in July 2016, served as Deputy Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) between October 2016 and May 2018, and took the position of the emergencies minister on May 18, 2018

Putin Welcomes Russia Country Of Sports Forum

Vladimir Putin addressed participants of the 9th International Forum Russia – Country of Sports, currently being held in Kazan.

Lavrov: Russian-US Dialogue On Diplomatic Staff Yielding No Progress

The dialogue between Moscow and Washington on issues of diplomatic personnel is yielding no progress, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

"We do maintain bilateral dialogue concerning diplomatic staff, but it is moving nowhere, running around in circles ultimately," he said.
"We asked them [Americans] to equally apportion the number of their staff here with the number of our diplomats in the United States and not to hire hundreds of Russian nationals who, as a matter of fact, are doing diplomatic work. Now we have parity," the minister recalled.
"They said they don’t have enough staff so they are forced to close their consulates general and actually freeze visa issuance activities. These are attempts at applying unseemly pressure, attempts at bargaining for a unilateral advantage," Lavrov noted.
He stressed that Russia has no objections against reopening the US consulate general in St. Petersburg but will not be begging Washington to do it.
"We never asked them to close the consulate general as they did. It was their initiative. I don’t know what the reasons behind that were," he said. "It’s up to them to decide. We will not be begging them to resume the operation of the consulate general here. We never prohibited the work of this diplomatic mission."
At the end of US President Barack Obama’s second term in December 2016, the United States arrested two Russian diplomatic facilities - countryside houses in the states of New York and Maryland. On August 31, 2017, already under President Donald Trump, the US Department of State demanded Russia close its consulate general in San Francisco and two trade missions - in Washington and New York.
In response, in July 2017, Russia demanded the United States reduce the number of its diplomats and technical personnel in Russia to make their number even to that of Russia’s personnel in the United States. It also suspended the use of warehouses in Moscow’s Dorozhnaya Street and a country house in Serebryanny Bor used by the US embassy.

Peskov: Putin, Shoigu Go On Siberian Retreat

Vladimir Putin is currently on a retreat in a Siberian region with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and will return to Moscow late on Wednesday, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Peskov made assurances that the Kremlin would make public the photos and videos of Putin’s vacation "as soon as we have them." The president is expected to return to Moscow by the end of the day tomorrow.
Last week, Putin made a working trip to Russia’s Far East, visiting the Primorsky region where he participated in the Eastern Economic Forum, and the Amur region.

How Does Lavrov Assess Russia-US Relations After Geneva Summit?

Sergey Lavrov gave his assessment of current Russian-American relations and how they were influenced by the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden in Geneva, answering a question from the pupil of the St Petersburg Сadet Сorps Boarding School of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, on Monday.

Lavrov Rejects Normandy Quartet's Meeting For Meeting's Sake

Russia is not interested in another Normandy Quartet meeting just for "meeting's sake," Sergey Lavrov said on Monday.

Such a contact will be necessary if it will a least reaffirm the need for compliance with the resolutions of the quartet's December 2019 summit, he stressed.
Lavrov said that both Berlin and Paris "avoid eye contact and keep silent, because they have nothing to say in reply," when officials on the Ukrainian side say that the Minsk agreements are dead.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky following talks with his US counterpart Joe Biden in Washington on September 1 said that he addressed Biden with several proposals for US participation in settling the conflict in Donbass. At the same time, Zelensky avoided a direct answer if his proposals implied the United States' participation in the Normandy group.
The Normandy Quartet emerged as a platform for negotiations in June 2014. At the celebrations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the allied forces' landing in Normandy during World War II the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany for the first time discussed a settlement of the conflict in Donbass. A total of five summit level meetings have been held since. The latest one was in Paris on December 9, 2019. In recent months, Normandy quartet contacts proceeded mostly at the level of political advisers and foreign ministers.

Lavrov Addresses Forum Dedicated To Khabarovsk War Crime Trials

Sergey Lavrov addressed the forum participants of the International Research and Practice Forum, The Khabarovsk War Crime Trials: Historic Significance and Contemporary Challenges, via videoconference, on Monday.

The Khabarovsk War Crime Trials were hearings held between 25-31 December 1949, in the Soviet Union's industrial city of Khabarovsk, the largest city within the Russian Far East adjacent to Japan. There, twelve members of the Japanese Kwantung Army were tried as war criminals for manufacturing and using biological weapons during World War II.

Putin's Tour Of Vostochny Cosmodrome

Vladimir Putin visited Vostochny Cosmodrome where he reviewed progress towards the construction of its second stage.

The President toured the operations control room and the construction site of the launch complex for Angara-class heavy-lift rockets.
The President was accompanied by Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, Amur Region Governor Vasily Orlov and General Director of the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities Dmitry Rogozin.
Vostochny, the first Russian civilian cosmodrome, is located outside of the city of Tsiolkovsky in the Amur Region. The President signed the executive order establishing the cosmodrome in 2007.
The construction works comprise two stages. During the first stage, in 2012–2016, a universal launch complex was erected for Soyuz-2 series boosters. The second stage involves the construction of the launch pad for Angara 5A boosters as well as accompanying infrastructure. The first Angara launch is scheduled for 2023.

Putin Welcomes Dresden Opera Ball In St Petersburg

Video message from Vladimir Putin to the participants of the Dresden Opera Ball in St. Petersburg.

Putin Awards Russia's Rescue Heroes

In Blagoveshchensk, on Saturday, Vladimir Putin presented state awards of the Russian Federation to liquidators of the consequences of natural fires and floods in the country's regions.

Zakharova: US, West Owes Afghanistan

The United States and the West as a whole, despite their hasty drawdown in Afghanistan, continue to bear the brunt of the responsibility for what is happening in that country and for ensuring that the internal political situation there does not slide into a full-scale crisis, Maria Zakharova said at her briefing on Thursday.

Putin Believes Nonsense The Absence Of Russian-Japanese Peace Treaty

Vladimir Putin believes that the absence of a peace treaty between Russia and Japan is nonsense at a time when both countries are interested in the normalization of relations and cooperation.

He stressed that the authorities of Russia and Japan had repeatedly agreed on joint work on the territory of the Kuril Islands, but the Japanese side repeatedly revised its stance. Russia regards it as its duty to arrange for the corresponding work and to create the necessary conditions for economic activity in accordance with security requirements.
The sixth Eastern Economic Forum is being held in Vladivostok on September 2-4 in a hybrid (combined online and in-person) format, the main topic of the business program is "New Opportunities for the Far East in a Changing World." Other programs that are part of the forum include Youth EEF, EEF Junior, and Far East Street. The forum is organized by the Roscongress Foundation.

Putin Announces Preferential Treatment In Kuril Islands

Vladimir Putin stated that unprecedented set of benefits and incentives for businesses will be created in the Kuril Islands, including exemption from key income and property taxes, land and transport taxes for 10 years, at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum, on Friday.

Both Russian and foreign investors, including Japanese ones, will be eligible for tax, customs and administrative benefits on the Kuril Islands, Russian President said.

Putin Discusses The Northern Sea Route' Prospects With Future Sailors

Vladimir Putin met with Admiral Nevelskoi Maritime State University cadets, on Thursday.

The President got acquainted with the training process there, as well as with the University’s advanced science and engineering projects.

The Training Centre that started operating in July 2021 is a unique facility for training the crews of multi-functional vessels and improving the skills of maritime specialists.

As per the President’s instruction, the Maritime State University operates a School Under Sails, the purpose of which is to acquaint young people with the history of the Far East, and to plan and conduct high-seas voyages aboard sailing boats to places linked with Russia’s glorious military history.

Putin Supports Genetic Engineering Studies

Creating artificial barriers to the development of genetic engineering is pointless, so Russia will support research in this sphere, Vladimir Putin said at a back-to-school gathering on Wednesday to mark the occasion of the Day of Knowledge during his visit to Russia’s Far East.

Putin Warns Children Against Information Rubbish

In the modern world there are many so-called information resources and users can find out anything there, but there is a problem related to the quality of this information. There is a lot of informational rubbish, which is often passed off as the ultimate truth. but you should not trust this information, which is provided by people posing as specialists, and not real professionals, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with schoolchildren on the occasion of Russia’s Knowledge Day during his trip to the Far East, Wednesday.

Putin Greets Schoolchildren And Urges To Take Care Of First-Grade Pupils

On Knowledge Day, Vladimir Putin had a meeting at the Okean National Children’s Centre with pupils of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, winners of Olympiads and competitions in culture, art, science and sport.

The President congratulated the little first-graders who will go to school for the first time, as well as their parents and educators. After all, according to him, high school students are already in a kind of preset mode, they meet with their friends and peers, this is a continuation of the educational process to which they are accustomed. However, first-graders open a new page in life, a new destiny awaits them, they begin to acquire knowledge and choose their place in life and future careers.
This is a very important period in the life of young children. And Putin asked all other Russian schoolchildren to warmly welcome young children to schools and to support them along the way.

Putin Blasts US For Afghanistan: Only Losses, Tragedies

Washington tried for 20 years to impose its standards on Afghanistan and that has resulted only in tragedies and losses, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with schoolchildren on the occasion of Russia’s Knowledge Day during his trip to the Far East, Wednesday.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...