, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova Provides Facts VS BBC Rainsford's Fantasies

Zakharova Provides Facts VS BBC Rainsford's Fantasies

Maria Zakharova said that "despite our numerous and exhaustive clarifications regarding the reasons for denying Sarah Rainsford the renewal of a journalist visa and revoking her accreditation as a BBC correspondent in response to harassment bordering on undisguised mockery and humiliation launched by London against the Russian media, she continues to make public statements which make one doubt not only her professional integrity, but elementary human decency as well. I would like to emphasise that we have received media inquiries asking us to note that Russian journalists feel humiliated by Sarah Rainsford in connection with her remarks concerning a number of Russian media."

In a recent interview with a Russian media outlet, this British woman, whose name has almost become a household name, is skillfully combining tearful stories about her emotional experiences in connection with the departure with speculation based on some of her “feelings” and references to “unnamed sources,” as well as with outright lies, and continues to pretend that not only does she not understand the origin of the problem, but considers herself a victim of an “attack on freedom of speech” in Russia while at the same time casting aspersions on her Russian colleagues. I think it is time for this correspondent to begin realising that she is offending Russian journalists. She is saying things that are far from reality and questions the work of her colleagues. Commenting on the Russian media and their members, she, as the journalists told us, did not ask them for comments, clarifications or interviews. She's a BBC journalist after all, Russian diplomat stressed.
By questioning our clearly expressed willingness to revise her case based on reciprocal steps from the UK, Ms Rainsford is showing disrespect for the Russian authorities. It’s in their interests to take us up on that gesture of goodwill not to escalate this vicious practice of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” and to give London a chance to save its face and issue a visa to a Russian correspondent. Then, we will be willing to issue a visa to this BBC correspondent.
Once visas are issued to the Russian correspondents, Ms Rainsford can feel free to contact the Russian consulate. No more fantasies please. We will provide facts every time the British correspondent comes up with a fantasy. Probably, it will sound really harsh. But we were not the ones to invite you to this “path,” Zakharova noted.

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