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Lavrov Comments On What Is Happening In Armenia

Press Conference Following Russian-Japanese Talks In 2 + 2 Format In Moscow

Third Russian-Japanese Talks In 2 + 2 Format Began In Moscow

Opening Remarks By Lavrov During Talks With Japanese FM Kōno

Opening Remarks by Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov During Talks with Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Tarō Kōno, Moscow, July 31, 2018.

Jeff Sessions Announces Creation Of Religious Liberty Task Force

Image: Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced the creation of a "religious liberty task force" within the Department of Justice that will help protect religious communities across the U.S. from discrimination. Sessions made the announcement Monday at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, D.C.

Lavrov Visits Territory Of Meanings On Klyazma Educational Forum

Speech and Answers to Questions by Sergey Lavrov at the Territory of Meanings on the Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum, Vladimir Region, July 30, 2018.

US Aiming To Cobble Together ‘Arab NATO’ For New Mideast Strategy

Top stories in the Russian press on Tuesday, July 31

Rossiyskaya Gazeta: The White House is setting up a new military and political alliance in the Middle East, Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote on Tuesday. According to the strategy, six Sunni states in the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar), Egypt and Jordan will be part of this future alliance. The so-called ‘Arab NATO’ will be aimed at countering Iran and its influence in the region, according to the paper.

Discussions on creating this new bloc began shortly after Trump took office. Initially, it was expected that Israel would also join the alliance and provide intelligence data. However, now when Washington is ready to convene the future alliance members in the US (a summit is scheduled for October), Israel is now out of the picture. The Jewish state’s relations with the Arab world deteriorated after Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Expert on the Middle East and a researcher at the Institute for Social Sciences at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration Sergey Demidenko played down the prospects of carrying out the Arab NATO project. Most Arab states lack a mutual development strategy on security, he pointed out. While NATO was created in 1949 amid the standoff between the West and the Soviet Union, the situation in the Arab world is different. There is no common enemy, though the US tries to demonize Iran. However, not even all emirates that make up the UAE view Iran in a bad light. Doha will be friends with Tehran just to annoy Riyadh, the expert noted.

Washington’s influence is being challenged as these Arab states have invested a great deal into the US economy in order not to depend directly on America’s decisions. So, Washington "has to draw up some sort of checks-and-balances system to attain its goals in the Middle East," Demidenko explained.

Proposals like the current one, to create an Arab military and political alliance, have been put on the table several times. Previous US administrations also tried to unite their Persian Gulf allies, but these efforts were all in vain, the paper says.

Izvestia: Risk of recession in Russia down to 20%, experts forecast

The risk of recession in Russia has dropped from 50% in early 2017 to 20%, a macro-forecast by the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics analyzed by Izvestia shows. The most probable scenario of Russia’s economic development points to a growth rate of 2%, the experts say. Meanwhile, the Economic Development Ministry believes that Russia’s economic growth will not exceed 2% before 2020. The ministry expects that the GDP will grow 1.9% by the year-end and 1.4% next year. Russian Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin earlier attributed this slowdown to a hike in the VAT (value added tax) from 18% to 20%.

Upbeat forecasts for Russia’s GDP growth are encouraged by high energy prices, moderate volatility of the ruble rate and this summer’s FIFA World Cup in Russia. According to experts questioned by Izvestia, the championship could spark a 1.3% increase and its contribution to the annual economic growth would reach 0.13%.

However, there are certain risks for Russian GDP, namely the threat of new EU and US sanctions, which undercut the stability of the national currency and prices on energy resources.

The risk of recession is now higher in Brazil and Saudi Arabia (30%) and in the UAE (45%), said one of the forecast’s authors and Assistant Professor at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Nikita Moiseyev. The surge in investments into Russia’s infrastructure during the FIFA World Cup stimulated GDP growth. Now, the global and Russian economies face the risk of slowing amid the trade wars between the European Union, the United States and China, the expert stressed.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta: US seeks to counter Taliban’s rapprochement with Russia

The Taliban (outlawed in Russia) has positively assessed the outcome of direct talks with US authorities held last week in Qatar. A representative of the faction, who took part in the meeting, spoke about a "friendly climate" during the dialogue, Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes. Experts say the contacts in Doha, which have not been confirmed by the US State Department, are a sign of Washington’s plans to thwart the Taliban’s rapprochement with other players, including Russia.

Amid the reports about the direct talks, the media suggested that soon Washington would decide to revise its Afghan strategy unveiled by US President Donald Trump last year. US officials claim that the White House occupant is disappointed because his strategy on Afghanistan has turned out to be inefficient.

Amid the reports about the direct talks, the media suggested that soon Washington would decide to revise its Afghan strategy unveiled by US President Donald Trump last year. US officials claim that the White House occupant is disappointed because his strategy on Afghanistan has turned out to be inefficient.

"I suspect that this is more of the same policy and the same swings which are always going on in the US," Omar Nessar, Director of the Center for Contemporary Afghanistan Studies, told the newspaper, commenting on the rumors about plans to review the US strategy.

Nessar did not rule out that the direct talks would affect dialogue between Russia and the Taliban. "I suspect this is one of the key US goals - to prevent any rapprochement between the Taliban and regional states, including Russia, or more precisely China and Russia." "Over the past two years many statements have been made on the rapprochement between Russia and the Taliban, and the US does not even hide that this is a source of its concern," he noted.

The Taliban’s leadership may use these talks with regional players as a tool during its dialogue with Washington. Meanwhile, Nessar notes that reports about the Taliban becoming closer to Moscow are not true. "From my point of view, all contacts between the Taliban and Russia are exaggerated," he explained.

Izvestia: Egypt suggests moving Russian Embassy to new capital

Russia’s Embassy in Cairo may move to Egypt’s new capital by the end of 2018, two Russian diplomatic sources told Izvestia. Moscow is studying this proposal now. The report was confirmed by head of the information bureau of the Egyptian Embassy in Moscow Ayman Mousa Mustafa. Cairo has offered 90 countries to move their diplomatic missions to the new capital. The procedure will be carried out on a voluntary basis.

By the end of this year, Egypt plans to complete the construction of its new administrative capital, where all its government agencies will be moved to. The city, which has not been officially named, is located 45 km to the east of Cairo. Under the plan, the future capital, covering 700 square km, will host the nation’s key ministries, the financial center and residential areas for 5 million people. There are plans to build government quarters, the Cairo Opera’s new stage and the largest theme park in the Middle East in the city center.

Diplomatic missions will be located in a special area for security reasons. The new capital will also have its own airport for servicing international flights.

Senior researcher at the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Filonik said the decision on building the new capital had been in the making for a long time and triggered by the transport collapse.

The initiative to move the capital will enhance security in Egypt, Senior Researcher at the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University Vladimir Isayev told the paper.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta: Terminals for US LNG in Europe may be used by Russian tankers

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker promised US President Donald Trump last week that Europe would build more terminals to import American liquefied natural gas (LNG) in order to solve the dispute over trade tariffs with Washington, Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes. This should also calm US fears about the EU’s excessive dependence on Russian pipeline gas supplies (last year Gazprom’s share reached 36%).

However, the increase in the number of terminals in Europe won’t necessarily lead to rising imports of US fuel, the paper says. Russia has been also boosting its LNG production and exports.

Since 2009, Russia has been producing 11 million tonnes of LNG every year. The Yamal LNG project was launched in December 2017 and the second and the third lines will be launched in August and by early 2019, respectively. So, the overall LNG production in Russia may reach some 30 million tonnes, placing it among the top five LNG producers worldwide.

Recently, the US has been also purchasing Russian gas. On Sunday, media reports said a tanker with gas from the Yamal LNG project was headed to the US East Coast along the Atlantic Ocean.

So, Junker’s new terminals may be used by Russian suppliers, the paper writes.

Analysts say the key obstacle for the US LNG supplies to Europe is not the lack of terminals, but lower prices for Russian pipeline gas. US LNG prices are higher than those of Qatar and Russia. So, Russian LNG has a chance to secure a serious share on the global market.

TKS is not responsible for the material quoted in these press reviews

Diplomat's Reaction To EU’s New Anti-Russian Sanctions

On July 31, the EU introduced Crimea-related sanctions against six Russian companies
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova
MOSCOW, July 31.  European Union’s new sanctions against six Russian companies are a subversive policy targeting the Crimean Peninsula’s citizens, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told on Tuesday.

According to the diplomat, by introducing these sanctions the West "encourages those behind Crimea’s energy blockade and pursues those who build civilian infrastructure facilities." "This is a subversive policy aimed against Crimea’s citizens," Zakharova stressed.

On Tuesday, the EU extended its sanctions related to Crimea’s reunification with Russia and also the Kerch Strait Bridge construction. According to the EU’s Official Journal, the sanctions were imposed on six more Russian companies - Institute Giprostroimost, Mostotrest, VAD, Stroigazmontazh, Stroigazmontazh-Most and Zaliv Shipyard.

The European Union earlier imposed several sanctions packages on Moscow, which include economic sanctions, individual restrictions and Crimea-related sanctions. European businesses are barred from maintaining any relations with the Black Sea Peninsula.

These measures are imposed under the EU strategy on the non-recognition of Crimea’s reunification with Russia, which will be in force until January 31, 2019 and can be extended further. According to the European Council, sanctions have been introduced against 155 individuals and 44 legal entities.

Lavrov: Russia Has Information On Possible Military Plans By US

Lavrov assures Moscow has information about schemes hatched by the militaries of both the US and other Western countries against Russia
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
DVORIKI /Vladimir Region/, July 30. The Russian Federation possesses the information about military plans of the US and other countries against it, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday in his speech before the participants of the Russian educational youth forum Terra Scientia.

"Rest assured, we are aware of the schemes harbored by the militaries of both the US and other Western countries against the Russian Federation," Lavrov stated in response to the question about how Russia meets modern challenges in the sphere of security. The minister highlighted that Russia keeps its global military presence to further support its defensive capacity.

"No matter what is happening in the world, our security as a state, the security of our citizens and our sovereignty will be duly protected. [Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin repeatedly stated it, and I assure you that it is based on real material changes that are taking place in our country and our army," Lavrov concluded.

Russia May Export Project 22800 Corvettes To Vietnam, India, China

These ships are very successful: they have a big tonnage, good armament, and Kaliber is the most important thing, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said

MOSCOW, July 30. Russia may supply Project 22800 corvettes codenamed Karakurt, armed with the Kaliber missiles, to Vietnam, China, India and other countries of the Asia-Pacific Region, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters on Monday.

"These ships are very successful: they have a big tonnage, good armament, and Kaliber is the most important thing. The corvette has an acceptable price, it is small, compact and fast. I believe that it has a good export potential for a number of countries, especially from the Asia-Pacific Region - Vietnam, China, India and others," Borisov said.

Currently, the units of Russia’s Navy, namely the Baltic, the Northern, the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian flotilla are equipped with the Karakurt-class corvettes, he said. "Now the construction of the first three vessels of this class has been launched at the Eastern shipyard. I think the new models’ production will heighten interest in them."

The Project 22800 corvettes (Karakurt) are a series of Russian multirole artillery missile vessels of the near maritime zone developed by the Almaz Central Maritime Design Bureau. The Russian Navy is due to receive a total of 18 small-sized Project 22800 ships, including the first two in 2018. The vessels are armed with high-precision missiles, modern artillery systems and Russian-made power plants.

Russia Wins Day 2 Of 2018 Tank Biathlon At International Army Games

Teams from Serbia and Iran finished second and third, respectively

ALABINO /Moscow region/, July 29. Russia’s team finished first on the second day of the international Tank Biathlon competition, the press center of the International Army Games 2018 said on Sunday.

"The second day on the international Tank Biathlon competitions of the International Army Games 2018 was held at the Alabino range. Crews from Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Myanmar, Tajikistan, Syria, Belarus, Serbia, Iran and Russia took part. The Russian crew finished first in five laps," the press center said.

Teams from Serbia and Iran finished second and third, respectively.

Teams from China and Azerbaijan came first on the opening day of the 2018 Tank Biathlon on Saturday.

The 2018 Tank Biathlon contest is due to be held between July 28 and August 11 as part of the 4th International Army Games, which opened in Patriot Park near Moscow on Saturday. The Games are being held on 24 training grounds in seven countries in a period from July 28 through August 11. Taking part are 189 teams from 32 world nations. The program includes competitions in 28 disciplines.

EU Introduces Crimea-Related Sanctions Against 6 Russian Companies

MOSCOW, July 31. The European Union extended the sanction list related to reunification of Crimea with Russia and construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait. Six more Russian companies are hit by sanctions, according to the Official Journal of the EU.

Sanctions are introduced against Institute Giprostroimost, Mostotrest, VAD, Stroigazmontazh, Stroigazmontazh-Most and Zaliv Shipyard.

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Protests Medvedev's Trip To Crimea

Medvedev is making a trip to Crimea to chair a conference on the region’s social and economic development

KIEV, July 30.  Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry has remonstrated to Russia a yet another time over a trip to Crimea by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the press service of the ministry said on Monday.

The ministry claimed Dmitry Medvedev’s visit meant "crude violation of Ukraine’s state sovereignty and territorial integrity" and was an instance of "a cynical and defiant disregard of the commonly accepted norms of international law."

Medvedev is making a trip to Crimea to chair a conference on the region’s social and economic development. On Sunday, July 29, he attended a naval review making Navy Day.

Following the state coup in Kiev in February 2014 that was applauded by Washington and its allies and on the face of a growing chaos and the onslaught of ultra-rightwing outrage across Ukraine, the Supreme Soviet of Crimea and the City Hall of Sevastopol adopted a declaration of independence from Ukraine on March 11.

On March 16, the residents of Crimea and Sevastopol held a referendum for reunification with Russia, with the turnout of 80% of registered voters. The proposal to reunify with Russia was supported by 96.77% voters in the Republic of Crimea and 95.6% in Sevastopol.

A treaty on accession of the new constituent territories to the Russian Federation was signed on March 18.

The US, the EU and the government in Kiev refused to recognize the fact of Crimea’s reunification with Russia.

Russian Embassy In Estonia Blasts Ex-Waffen SS Gathering

Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook

TALLINN, July 30. The Russian Embassy in Estonia has denounced the gathering of Waffen-SS stormtroopers that took place in this country, the embassy said on Facebook on Monday.
"To our regret, Estonia continues the degrading practice of glorifying ex Waffen-SS members," the report says.

"On July 28 this year another gathering of former SS-men took place in the village of Sinimae, and representatives for some Estonian parliamentary parties, the current minister and activists from ultranationalist organizations honored them."

The Russian Embassy in Estonia specified in a conversation with TASS that Estonian Minister of Justice Urmas Reinsalu earlier welcomed the convention participants on his Facebook.

"We note that there can be no excuse for the glorification of the Waffen-SS criminals," the Russian embassy said in the statement.

Russian Mountaineer Was Rescued In Pakistan

According to the information from the Russian embassy in Islamabad, the mountaineer is now in critical condition in hospital

MOSCOW, July 31. The Petersburg mountaineer Alexander Gukov, who was blocked for several days on the slope of the Latok-1 mountain in Pakistan, has been rescued and taken to a hospital, Anna Piunova coordinator of the rescue team told.

"He was rescued, they are flying to the hospital of city of Skardu," Piunova said. She added that the rescue operation involved two Pakistani military helicopters.

According to the information from the Russian embassy in Islamabad, the mountaineer is now in critical condition in hospital.

Earlier it was reported that Gukov and Sergei Glazunov from Irkutsk were blocked on a steep slope. Later, it became known from the base camp that Glazunov fell down and died. Gukov managed to gain a foothold at an altitude of 6,200 meters. He remained there almost without equipment, most of which was lost when his partner fell.

Russian Military Down Militants’ Drone Near Hmeymim Airbase In Syria

No injuries or material damage as a result of the incident

MOSCOW, July 30. A drone launched by militants from Syria’s Idlib de-escalation zone was downed by the Russian military near the Hmeymim airbase, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria Alexei Tsygankov said on Monday.

"Militants of illegal armed groups continue to launch unmanned aerial vehicle from the territory of the Idlib de-escalation zone towards the Russian airbase at Hmeymim. Thus, at dusk on July 29, airspace control tools of the Russian airbase at Hmeymim spotted an unmanned aerial vehicle launched from territories controlled by illegal armed groups. The air target was downed at a safe distance from the airspace," he said.

"No one was hurt, no material damage was incurred. The Russian airbase at Hmeymim operates routinely," he added.

Incidents with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles near the Hmeymim airbase have become more frequent in the recent time. Thus, the Russian military reportedly downed militants’ drones on July 21, 22 and 27.

Angara Heavy Class Rocket Is Being Prepared For 2nd Test Launch

The representative of the center of Khrunichev did not specify the timing of the launch

MOSCOW, July 31. The Angara heavy-class carrier rocket is being prepared for the second test launch, at the Khrunichev center.

"At present, the heavy class Angara-A5 is being prepared for the next test launch," the representative said without specifying the date of the test launch.In the center of Khrunichev did not specify the timing of the launch.

Angara is a family of light and heavy Russian rockets which uses environment-friendly fuel. Only two launches were held so far from Plesetsk. Light Angara 1.2PP blasted off in July 2014 and the heavy Angara-A5 in December 2014. Vostochny cosmodrome in Amur region will be the main launching site for Angara.

A heavy version of the Angara rocket is capable of brining up to 38 tonnes of cargos to the low orbit. It is planned to use 25 Angara heavy rockets will be used to launch 650 satellites under the Sfera program.

Trump: US Sanctions On Russia Will Remain In Place And Unchanged

The United States President said this during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte
The US President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON, July 31. Washington's sanctions against Moscow will remain in place and unchanged for now, US President Donald Trump said during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the White House on Monday.

"Sanctions against Russia will remain as is," he said.

The United States repeatedly imposed sanctions against Russia. In particular, during the presidency of Trump, Russian diplomats were expelled from the country and the Consulates of the Russian Federation in San Francisco, California and Seattle, Washington, were closed. Currently, a group of senators in the US Congress is working on a new package of sanctions against Moscow, which is currently supported by legislators from both parties.

Lavrov Biefs Press On Territory Of Meanings On Klyazma Forum

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's answers to media questions on the sidelines of the Territory of Meanings on Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum, Vladimir Region, July 30, 2018.

New Orleans Shooting: 3 Killed, 7 Injured

Police in New Orleans are asking for help following Saturday night's deadly shooting at a strip mall that left three people dead and seven others injured.

Authorities say the two people who shot into a large crowd outside a daiquiri shop at about 8:35 p.m. are at large.

In a press conference early Sunday, New Orleans Police Superintendent Michael Harrison said one of the shooters used a rifle and the other a handgun. He said they "appeared to have fired indiscriminately" into the crowd but then "stood over one individual and fired multiple rounds." The pair then ran away.

Harrison said the shooters were believed to be wearing hooded sweatshirts, but that was the only description available. He repeatedly asked for help from the public, stressing that "crimes like this only get solved with community participation."

"This has to be personal," Harrison said. "Firing indiscriminately into a crowd, shooting 10 people, killing three? That's personal. It doesn't get more personal."

The seven victims in the hospital — five men and two women — are being treated for "varying degrees of condition, some more critical than others," New Orleans Emergency Medical Services Director Emily Nichols said in the press conference.

The three people pronounced dead at the scene were two men and one woman. No names of the dead or injured have been released by the New Orleans Police Department. Authorities are still investigating motive.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell issued a statement Saturday condemning the shooting.

"There is no place in New Orleans for this kind of violence. I speak for everyone in our City when I say we are disgusted, we are infuriated, and we have had more than enough."

Russian Aircraft Delivers 34 Tonnes Of Humanitarian Aid To Syria

1030th Anniversary Of Baptism Of Rus Celebrations

Putin Welcomes Russian National Football Team At Kremlin Awards Ceremony

On Jule 28, in the Catherine Hall of the Moscow Kremlin, Vladimir Putin presented state awards and certificates of honor to 23 athletes and 6 coaches of the Russian national football team - participants of the FIFA World Cup 2018.

It was the first time Russia hosted the FIFA World Cup. The matches were held at 12 stadiums in 11 cities across the country. The Russian national team performed better than they had ever done, making it to the quarterfinals. The Russian President attended the opening and closing ceremonies of the championship.

Putin Attends 1030th Anniversary Of Baptism Of Rus Celebrations

Vladimir Putin attended events to mark the 1030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus, Moscow, July 28, 2018.

Pompeo Meets Jhinaoui At US Department Of State

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo met with Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui, at the Department of State, on July 27, 2018.

Putin's Press Conference Following 10th BRICS Summit In Johannesburg

Vladimir Putin made a statement to the press and answered questions from Russian journalists after the two-day 10th BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 27, 2018.

Putin Speaks At BRICS Heads Meeting With Leaders Of Invited States

Vladimir Putin attended a meeting of BRICS leaders with delegation heads from invited African states and chairs of international associations, at the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 27, 2018.

Zhirinovsky's Reaction To US Crimea Declaration

LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky responded to the publication of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's declaration of non-recognition of the Crimea by the Russian.

Pompeo's Statement Following Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers welcome remarks and introduces Vice President Mike Pence at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, at the Department of State, Washington, July 26, 2018.

Putin's Meetings On Sidelines Of 10th BRICS Summit (Day 1)

Vladimir Putin held bilateral meetings with President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, President of Angola Joao Lourenco, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Zambia Edgar Lungu, PRC President Xi Jinping, on the sidelines of the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on July 26, 2018.

Pompeo, Pence At Ministerial To Advance Religious Freedom

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers welcome remarks and introduces Vice President Mike Pence at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, at the Department of State, Washington, July 26, 2018.

Putin's Address To 10th BRICS Summit In Johannesburg

Vladimir Putin addressed to the 10th BRICS Summit (Vladimir Putin addressed to the 10th BRICS Summit (Expanded Meeting), Johannesburg, South Africa, July 26, 2018.

Johannesburg Hosts 10th BRICS Summit

On Jule 26-27, Johannesburg is hosting the 10th BRICS Summit.

Putin Arrives Johannesburg (South Africa) To Attend BRICS Summit

Vladimir Putin arrived in South Africa to attend the 10th BRICS Summit, Johannesburg. Jule 26, 2018.

Pompeo's Remarks On Supporting Iranian Voices

Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivers remarks on “Supporting Iranian Voices”, at the Ronald Reagan Foundation and Library, in Simi Valley, California.

Putin Chairs Meeting Of Sport Development

During his trip to Kaliningrad, Vladimir Putin Held a joint meeting of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport and the Supervisory Board of the Russia 2018 Local Organising Committee autonomous non-profit organisation.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...