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Putin Will Meet at MAKS-2019 with Erdogan on August 27

On August 27, Vladimir Putin will meet in Zhukovsky with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will be in Russia on a short working visit and will attend the 14th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2019.

During the talks, the leaders are expected to discuss issues related to the further development of Russian-Turkish cooperation in the political, trade, economic, military, technical and cultural spheres, as well as topical aspects of the international and regional agenda.

Putin Demands a Response from the Cabinet

Vladimir Putin is not happy with the economic growth rate in Russia. In connection with this, the Russian President demanded clarifications from the Cabinet at a meeting in the Kremlin.

The last time ordinary Russians saw their real incomes grow was in 2013. Russia is in year six of a slow impoverishment, a stretch we have not seen since the 1990s. President Putin’s approval rating, a measure that the Kremlin itself pays close attention to, today is not at its lowest, but, at 68 percent, it is far from its post-Crimea highs.

I apologize to the respected old-timers of this channel (from friends of my country), but I repeat once again: Mr. Putin pursues an effective foreign policy, which, of course, is approved by all of us (Russians) and our foreign friends - Russia should look strong, but strong it looks only from the outside, most of the country is trying to survive ECONOMICALLY.

Putin Opens the Sirius Ice Hockey World Cup 2019

President Putin gave a speech at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Sirius Junior Club World Cup.

Eight teams from Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Canada and the US are playing in these competitions here in the Shaiba Ice Arena in Sochi.

The opening ceremony was attended by President of the International Ice Hockey Federation and member of the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee René Fasel, President of the Kontinental Hockey League Dmitry Chernyshenko and Managing Director of the Junior Hockey League Alexei Morozov.

The President performed a ceremonial face-off in the first match between Yaroslavl’s Loko team and Alberta from Canada.

President Putin Will Visit France on August 19

On August 19, Vladimir Putin will pay a working visit to France at the invitation of President of France Emmanuel Macron.

During the upcoming meeting that will be held at Fort de Bregancon, the official presidential residence in southern France, the two leaders are expected to discuss the current situation and prospects of Russian-French relations in the political, trade, economic and cultural spheres, as well as topical international and regional matters.

Putin Chairs Security Council in Anapa

Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council in Anapa. The President announced the Decree on the rewarding of the crew of the aircraft, which landed with a hard landing at Zhukovsky Airport.

The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to co-pilot Georgy Murzin and aircraft Captain Damir Yusupov for courage and heroism displayed while performing their duty in extreme conditions.

The Order of Courage was awarded to senior flight attendant Dmitry Ivlitsky and flight attendants Nadezhda Vershinina, Dmitry Goncharenko, Aliya Slyakayeva and Yana Yagodina for courage and selflessness displayed while performing their duty in extreme conditions.

Also, the Russian leader spoke about his visit to the Volley Grad sports and fitness complex, which he visited with Prime Minister Medvedev and Security Council Secretary Patrushev.
The President once again emphasized the importance of developing sports infrastructure for the Russian people.

Future Stars of Russian Ballet are Presented to Putin

During his visit to Sevastopol, President Putin talked to young ballet dancers selected for enrollment to the Sevastopol Academy of Choreography and the Academy’s rector, ballet dancer Sergei Polunin.

Classes will begin in September and will take place temporarily at a sports complex until the construction of a new building is completed near the theatre. The new students will stage a ballet performance at the end of upcoming school year.

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets and Acting Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev were also present at the meeting. She briefed the President on progress in creating a cultural, educational and museum centre in Sevastopol. The cultural cluster is scheduled to be launched in 2021.

Night Wolf Putin at the Shadow of Babylon

President Putin visited Shadow of Babylon international bike show, organised by Night Wolves Motorclub. The President was accompanied by Head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov and Acting Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev.

This was the 11th Shadow of Babylon bike show, organised by Night Wolves Motorclub in Crimea. The first biker convention took place near Mount Gasfort in 2009.

Shows staged by the Night Wolves are always devoted to patriotic topics. When preparing their events, the bikers find inspiration in episodes from Soviet and Russian history, mostly related to important military victories.

This year’s Shadow of Babylon show offers a large-scale performance featuring special effects and stunts, fireworks and music with popular Russian artists as headliners.

Putin Greets 2019 International Army Games

President Putin greeted participants and guests of Fifth International Army Games.

International Army Games are annual competitions that define the strongest military specialists from Russia and foreign countries in 32 military contests.

International Army Games will be held in ten countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Uzbekistan. More 6,000 participants are expected.
The final stages of the International Army Games 2019 will be held from 3 to 17 August.

The International Army Games is a Russian military sports event organized by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The annual International Army Games, which have taken place since August 2015, involve close to 30 countries battling it out in dozens of competitions over two weeks to prove which nation has the most military might. The games have been referred to as the War Olympics. In addition to the competition, the International Army Games includes a military theme park, a recruitment station, and souvenir shops.

2019 Main Russian Naval Parade on the Neva River in St. Petersburg

On Navy Day, President Putin partipates in the Main Naval Parade that took place on the Neva River in St. Petersburg.

Navy personnel from the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, as well as various ships and cutters along with a Navy aviation group, took part in the parade.

"The heroism of our mariners, the talent of naval commanders and shipbuilders, the courage of scientists and the bravery of explorers – this has all brought glory to Russia as a great naval power. We will not simply preserve this status; we will move beyond it. We will build a fleet with unique capabilities, focused on a long-term historical perspective – the fleet of a strong and sovereign nation."

Earlier today, the President sailed on board the cutter Raptor around combat ships gathered in parade formation in the inner harbor of Kronstadt and greeted the crews. Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Navy Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmenov accompanied the President.

Putin Shares Impressions of the Submarine Underwater Trip

President Putin shared his impressions with reporters after inspecting a submarine that sank during the Great Patriotic War.

Putin's Trip in the Submersible Craft

President Putin inspected the Sch-308 Semga, which sank during the Great Patriotic War. The trip in the submersible craft to the depth of 50 metres lasted about an hour.

The President attended the placement of a memorial plaque at the site of the submarine disaster. The lights were dimmed after that and the ceremony participants honoured the memory of the perished submariners with a minute of silence.

Prior to the submersion, head of the expedition Bowing to the Ships of the Great Victory Konstantin Bogdanov told the President about the struggle of the Soviet submariners against the Nazi invaders in the Baltic Sea and about the fate of the Sch-308.

Vladimir Putin also saw the map of the Baltic Sea with marks of the sites where Soviet submarines were lost, and a diagram of the current condition of the Sch-308.

The Sch-308 Semga submarine took position in the area of the Finnish island of Uto in the Baltic Sea in September 1942. Its commander later reported the destruction of the enemy’s three transport vessels. However, the Semga sustained damage and did not come back from the mission.

During the May 2018 expedition Bowing to the Ships of the Great Victory, the hull of the submarine was discovered when the underwater sonar was scanning the seabed to the north of Bolshoi Tyuters Island. The submarine was identified to have sunk due to an explosion of a German mine. All of the 40-man crew died.

President Lukashenko Welcomes Tajikistan President to Minsk

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko held talks with the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who arrived in Belarus on a state visit, Minsk, June 28, 2019.

G20 Leaders Gathered Before Official Dinner At Osaka Summit

Russia-India-China (RIC) Meeting in Osaka

On the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka on June 28, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping (RIC).

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...