, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Vladimir Putin Greets Opening of 20th World Congress of Russian Press

Vladimir Putin Greets Opening of 20th World Congress of Russian Press

Vladimir Putin sent his greetings to the participants and guests of the 20thWorld Congress of Russian Press.

“These annual gatherings offer a good opportunity for constructive and informative dialogue between representatives of numerous Russian-language print and online media across the world.

The media outlets, television channels and radio stations you represent are engaged in difficult but significant work, involving the distribution of truthful and in-depth information about Russia and the shaping of an objective image of our country abroad. In the current international situation, it is important to take a responsible public stance, to follow the principles of journalism ethics to the letter, to strongly oppose any attempts to distort facts in order to meet somebody’s political or other interests, and to maintain the trust of the Russian audience of many millions of people.

I am certain that during the congress you will have an extensive discussion of the topical issues in the industry, and share best practices and initiatives that will help to strengthen the position of the Russian-language media in the world and to develop international humanitarian cooperation.”

I am certain that during the congress you will have an extensive discussion of the topical issues in the industry, and share best practices and initiatives that will help to strengthen the position of the Russian-language media in the world and to develop international humanitarian cooperation.”

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