, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: December 2020

Putin Wishes Happy 2021 New Year To Nation

The trials of life are unavoidable, but they urge one and all to turn an attentive ear to the voice of conscience, to brush off vanity and to focus on the matters of the greatest importance, Vladimir Putin said in his New Year address to the nation.

True, the formidable novel coronavirus has changed and turned upside down the customary mode of life, work and studies, it forced a revision of and amendments to many plans. In our world, the trials of life are unavoidable. They urge us to turn an attentive ear to the voice of conscience, to brush off vanity and to focus on the matters of the greatest importance, Putin said.

He added that he was referring to "the gift of human life, the family, our mothers and fathers, our grandpas and grandmas, our children - both little kids and grown-ups - our friends and colleagues, disinterested assistance and the common energy of acts of kindness - large-scale deeds of national importance and small ones, too, within each neighborhood, street and house, but nevertheless no less significant.

Putin said that today it is very important to have faith in oneself, not to retreat in the face of hardships, and to take care of our unity, which is the basis for our successes in the future.

Putin wishes Happy New Year to several former presidents, prime ministers. When serving as president and prime minister, Putin had many conversations with these colleagues, sharing friendship with many of them.

The Kremlin clarified that the wishes were communicated to ex-Prime Ministers of Japan and Italy Shinzo Abe and Silvio Berlusconi, former US President George Bush, former Presidents of Armenia Robert Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan, ex-Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Commission Romano Prodi, ex-President of France Nicolas Sarkozy, former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon, ex-President of Finland Tarja Halonen, former King of Spain Juan Carlos I and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder.

Putin's Remarks On Trump's Future & Russian Hackers

Vladimir Putin claims that the topic of Russian hackers involved in the US elections is a provocation that has no basis, which is aimed at deteriorating relations between the two countries.

The President hopes for Biden's watered experience in resolving the current situation.

According to the Russian Leader at his annual press conference on Thursday, incumbent US President Trump enjoys wide support in his country and is not going to leave politics.

Putin's Remarks On Biden (updated)

Vladimir Putin finds US presidential candidate Joe Biden as more promising for Russian-American relations, despite the usual anti-Russian rhetoric.

The Russian leader has found common roots between US Democrats and Communists, whose liberal values he shares.

The USSR support of African Americans in the struggle for their rights, according to the President, will also contribute to the development of contacts with Democrats, since African Americans make up their stable electorate base.

Finally, Putin believes in Biden's promises to extend the New START or conclude a new treaty... Trump's campaign promises seem to have taught the Russia's president nothing!


On December 15, 2020, Putin sent a message to Biden congratulating him on his victory in the US presidential election.

In his message, Vladimir Putin wished the President-elect every success and expressed confidence that Russia and the United States, which bear special responsibility for global security and stability, can, despite their differences, effectively contribute to solving many problems and meeting challenges that the world is facing today.

The President of Russia noted that with this in mind, Russian-American cooperation, based on the principles of equality and mutual respect, would meet the interests of both nations and the entire international community.

“For my part, I am ready for interaction and contacts with you,” Russia’s Head of State stressed.

NYE2000 Putin's Era Begins

On December 31, 1999, the Russians are preparing to celebrate the New Year 2000. But today they are in for a surprise. Russia's first president, Boris Yeltsin, resigns, handing over power to his successor Vladimir Putin, whose existence the people only learned a couple of months ago.

So, Putin is addressing the Nation for the first time as the acting President of Russia. He promised to suppress any attempts to act contrary to Russian law and to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. In general, the new leader made it clear that the era of laxity is over.
Well, Putin got an unenviable inheritance. The country is on the verge of economic collapse, the second Chechen war is in its fifth month... Boris Yeltsin apologizes to Russian citizens for not living up to their hopes. Well, somehow, the first president acted wisely, clearing the way for the young successor, who in a couple of years will make the arrogant West respect Russia. He will return the country to its former greatness, and hope to the citizens.
The new millennium for Russia has become the era of the country's new leader.

Putin Comments Trump Biden Presidential Contest

In an interview on November 10, Vladimir Putin reluctantly commented on the final stage of the US presidential race, in particular the Trump-Biden contest, where Russian intervention became a constant topic, candidates and their supporters exchange insults and use the President of Russia name.

Putin's RT Greetings Message

Vladimir Putin on Thursday congratulated the RT channel on its 15th anniversary in broadcasting. He noted the achievements of the channel, among which he considers truthful coverage of events to be the most important.

According to the President, the RTs success is that it follows the general rules of honest, professional and free journalism, which historically rejects any information monopoly, censorship or desire to assign to itself the right to the ultimate truth.

Putin believes that the channel provides international audience with the latest, current and objective facts about developments in Russia and the world.

Putin Honors Russia's Heroes

On Wednesday, Vladimir Putin congratulated the nation on Heroes of Fatherland Day. He paid tribute to all fellow citizens who performed outstanding deeds in the name of the Motherland, for the sake of the salvation of their neighbors, for the sake of peace, prosperity, and the well-being of Russia.

The President said that the deepest admiration for heroes unites all generations of Russian citizens, and an honest, sincere desire to be worthy of its great history gives birth to new heroes.

Putin is convinced that the chronicle of Russian glory will never be interrupted. Because patriotism, courage, readiness, regardless of personal risks, to take responsibility in difficult times bring people of various nationalities, professions, and ages together. These qualities are in the blood, in the character of the Russian people.

Putin's Remarks On Trump's Presidency

Vladimir Putin spoke about the pros and cons of Donald Trump's presidency in relation for Russian-American relations. It seems that the current owner of the White House has disappointed the Russian leader, since there were more minuses than pluses.

The US policy of a two-party conspiracy aimed at containing Russia's development, Putin said, prevented Trump from fulfilling his 2016 promises to develop US-Russia relations.

In addition, the current administration has set a record number (46) of anti-Russian sanctions!

The Russian leader noted the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty and Open Skies Treaty negatively affecting global security.

On a positive note, President Putin described the strange growth in trade between the two countries, which would seem to contradict the rise in the number of anti-Russian sanctions.

The second and last positive moment for Russian-US relations, Putin considers the joint mutually beneficial work of Moscow and Washington to stabilize energy markets.

Putin Fulfilled The New Year's Wish Of 13 Year Old Ksenia

Vladimir Putin talked by telephone with Ksenia Mazneva, 13, from St Petersburg, who took part in the New Year Tree of Wishes charity campaig...