, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: 'Putin's Palace' The Story Of Great Fake

'Putin's Palace' The Story Of Great Fake

So, the sensational story about the 'Putin's Palace' of of the Russian blogger Alexei Navalny is acquiring more and more details.

The authors of the so-called investigation loudly declared this palace to be the most secret and guarded object in Russia. For added mystery, they added that mere mortals could not get here neither by land, nor by sea, nor by air.
However, Mash journalists got there in an ordinary passenger car, refuting this statement. Against the backdrop of the resort landscapes, no signs of increased security were found. Except, of course, a light wire fence around the construction site. But, the guys did not have to climb over the fence, they entered through the main entrance.
The inconsistencies began right at the entrance. As you can see, instead of the promised copy of the royal gates of the Winter Palace with golden eagles, just an empty front doorway. There is simply no gate here and never has been.
The search for luxurious interiors was also unsuccessful.
Instead of the famous hookah bar and smoke pipes, there are more modest decorative elements. Well, this swimming pool is also far from Navalny's version.
And, of course, how to get past the famous aquadiskotheque. The builders themselves call this mem-location just a fountain.
In general, this unattractive environment only causes a feeling of disappointment. It is possible that the authors of the so-called investigation would also have been disappointed if they had been here at least once.
But they were not here, and all the filming of chic interiors, as it turns out, is the creation of CG specialists from the German film studio Black Forest Studios. This little-known company, which, judging by the commercial, presents new opportunities for the film community around the world.
According to the Schwarzwälder Bote German edition , the film set in the town of Kirchzarten was built only in November last year, and already in December, by a strange coincidence, a good order had already arrived. And not from anywhere, but from the United States.
“In early December, they received a request from the United States about the availability of free production facilities. Work with Navalny in Kirchzarten took place in conditions of strict observance of hygiene standards, safety and complete secrecy, ”the Schwarzwälder Bote writes.
In such conditions, perhaps, one could even shoot the next episode of Star Wars. But it turned out differently. In general, cinema, fake and nothing else.

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