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Putin, Rogozin Discuss Russian Space Ambitions

The ambitious tasks to be solved in outer space were discussed today by President Vladimir Putin and the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin. The Moon program and the strengthening of the satellite constellation, the renovation of the ISS. Rogozin reported to the head of state on new projects and the results of 2020.

Almost 60 years ago, Yuri Gagarin said let's go. Russia will celebrate the round date of the first manned flight into space on April 12, but what now?
Today, Vladimir Putin discussed with Dmitry Rogozin, head of Roscosmos, how Russia maintains its reputation as a space power.
First, Luna (Moon) -25 will fly to the natural satellite of the Earth by automatic vehicles, then a manned program will fly. The new "Eagle" is already, as experts say, in iron, that is, it is ready for testing. The newest Angara rocket should put it into orbit.
The successful launch of the heavy "Angara" in December last year was called by many a breakthrough, and not only in the context of Moon exploration, the family of carriers up to the super-heavy class opens up opportunities for flights much further.
However this, although not far off, is still the future. The present, what matters here and now, is the orbital satellite constellation.
The sea transport will have its own space eye, Roscosmos plans to launch a radar apparatus this year, this is especially important for the development of the Northern Sea Route, the earth's weather interferes with ordinary satellites in those latitudes.
The state defense order, according to Rogozin, is 100% fulfilled, but, by the way, in the case of Roskosmos, we are talking not only about flights and spacecraft and not only about military needs. In addition, it is planned to launch two modules to the ISS. They have already been delivered to Baikonur. The Science, multifunctional laboratory module, will be launched in May this year.
This year, according to Rogozin, promises to be intense, and therefore interesting. Anticipation of a really big holiday for astronautics should help too.

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