, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin, Biden & Merkel In Nord Stream 2' Battle

Putin, Biden & Merkel In Nord Stream 2' Battle

This video is about secret negotiations and the real reasons for US pressure on Europe.

The aggravation of the situation around the gas pipeline is extremely beneficial for American politicians, and even freezing it is an American dream in general. But while European wind turbines freeze and aquariums in American homes freeze. And nobody could question the reliability of Russian gas for heating.
Never before has a US President spoken at a Munich Security Conference. The circumstances are exceptional. Transatlantic unity is bursting at the seams. First of all, because of the actions of Washington itself, but for some reason, Russia is again to blame.
The US President said that the Kremlin is attacking Western democracy, seeks to weaken the European project and NATO. According to him, it is easier for Russia to intimidate individual countries than to negotiate with the united transatlantic community.
Greenhouse conditions have been created for Biden. At the conference, in fact, only the closest allies in NATO and the EU. Even discussions are not provided for by the program.
Angela Merkel noted that it is important to develop a common transatlantic agenda with regard to Russia. Germany believes that NATO and EU defense policies should complement each other. Angela Merkel noted that it is important to develop a common transatlantic agenda with regard to Russia. Germany believes that NATO and EU defense policies should complement each other. The general approach is likely to take into account not only American interests. A clear allusion to Nord Stream 2 is the most painful topic for the Germans in relations with the United States. American senators, for example, threatened with sanctions the leadership of the German port of Mukran in the Baltic, this is the logistics base for the construction of the pipeline. The port is 100% owned by the city of Sassnitz and the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Frank Kracht, the Burgomaster of Sassnitz, stressed that the Germans should not allow the US to dictate how to build an energy and environmental policy that serves the interests of Germany and Europe.
House Republican chief foreign affairs official Michael McCaul announced that Biden's administration announced only two sanctions today in a Congress-approved report on entities involved in sanctioned activities related to Russia's malicious Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. According to the statement, the report lists only Russian pipe-laying vessel Fortuna and its owner, KVT-RUS, "which were both already sanctioned by the previous Administration under separate authorities.".
Earlier, Bloomberg, citing its sources, reports that the US government will not impose restrictions on German companies yet. Washington does not intend to go to a sharp confrontation with allies now. Severe frosts in the US and Europe have demonstrated how vulnerable green energy can be. Typical problems when ice builds up on the blades of a wind turbine. In the end, a fossil-fueled helicopter comes to the rescue. Many in Europe did not even think about the fact that solar panels, it turns out, can be covered with snow, and windmills stop due to cold weather.
Against this background, Russian gas is a real guarantee of energy security. So what's the point of hindering the construction of another gas pipeline? Vladimir Putin recently spoke about the reasons for the opposition.
The United States wants, Putin said, to make Russia pay for its failed geopolitical project called Ukraine. The idea is that the current regime in Ukraine will continue to feed on money for the transit of Russian gas.
It is known that Berlin is holding closed negotiations with the new American administration on the Nord Stream 2 issue. Die Welt publishes commentary by ex-vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel. “From the point of view of European sovereignty, this issue has nothing to do with the United States. I believe that the fate of the pipeline should be determined by a European decision with all the chances and risks associated with the project. But not America. "It is noteworthy that this is not just said by an ex-member of the government, but by the current head of the organization, a lobbyist for the development of relations with the United States. The Germans are extremely annoyed. Judging by the publication in the business publication Handelsblatt, Washington offered Berlin options that were completely offensive for German sovereignty, such as automatically limiting gas pumping through a new pipeline from Russia in the event of a reduction in transit through Ukraine. “Automatism, as the US government imagines it, is rejected by Berlin. This would make the supply of gas to the German government too dependent on Ukraine. Finally, it is possible that the confrontation will be provoked by Kiev itself. "

And again about sovereignty. The Germans even offered the Americans a deal that strongly resembles a bribe. Here is a letter signed by the Minister of Economy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz. It was addressed at that time to US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The document was published a week ago by German environmentalists. Scholz writes about his intention to invest up to a billion euros in terminals for receiving liquefied gas from the United States just so that Washington does not interfere with the construction and operation of Nord Stream 2, which, by the way, is already 95% ready. Here is a high allied relationship based on rules and values.

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