, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russia's Reaction To NATO's New Strategy

Russia's Reaction To NATO's New Strategy

NATO's new strategy, according to Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, will be aimed at containing Russia and China. At the same time, he noted: in the previous concept it was about partnership with Russia, now the situation has changed.

In China, they called the NATO concept a manifestation of the Cold War mentality.
The reaction of the Russian Foreign Ministry was also obvious. Maria Zakharova recalled that the rapprochement between Russia and NATO was interrupted in 2002 through the fault of Western partners.
Who after that is more aggressive ? Especially if we recall all kinds of NATO military exercises of recent times, now in the Black Sea, now in the Baltic, now in Poland and Lithuania, but, most importantly, everything is near the borders of Russia.
The invariably loud names of the exercises like "Defender of Europe", "Allied Spirit" or "Iron Wolf". What is this whole flock of thousands with ships, planes and tanks trying to achieve? And as if the Cuban missile crisis was so long ago that the red light of the threat of mutual destruction does not light up in the heads of NATO strategists.
And also the memory of the Second World War is so short that the possibility of the Third in Brussels and the Pentagon is treated with some frightening ease.
Yes, Russia has something to answer - for example, hypersonic weapons. And this still cools the ardor of the armchair generals, but the degree of the imposed confrontation is only increasing, and the struggle itself goes far beyond the framework of military blocs.
That is, NATO is opposing the multipolarity of the world with an increase in military spending and a desire to open a new ideological front. In other words, it creates new threats.

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