, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Expects No Breakthroughs From Putin Biden Summit

Lavrov Expects No Breakthroughs From Putin Biden Summit

Moscow is realistic about the upcoming meeting between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, in Geneva on June 16 and doesn’t expect it to yield any breakthroughs, Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

The presidents will exchange views on what threats each of the sides is seeing in the vicinity of their countries and in the global arena in general. In this sense, military exercises, the number of which has dramatically increased in quantity and quality and in the number of engaged heavy equipment and the number of participating countries and, most importantly, in their geographical proximity to our borders, by no account contribute to a normal dialogue or coordination of efforts to tackle real, not fictional, issues that are common for all.
Putin and Biden are expected to meet in Geneva on June 16. It will be the first Russian-US summit after Putin’s meeting with 45th US President Donald Trump in July 2018. According to the Kremlin press service, the presidents will discuss the current state of and prospects for further development of Russian-US relations, problems of strategic stability, as well as current issues of the international agenda, including cooperation in combating the coronavirus pandemic and settlement of regional conflicts. The US president said on May 30 he planned to raise the topic of human rights violations as well.

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