, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Mosccw Court Outlaws Navalny Headquarters, FBK

Mosccw Court Outlaws Navalny Headquarters, FBK

The Moscow City Court on Wednesday recognized the Navalny Headquarters and FBK movement, previously included in the list of foreign agents, as extremist organizations.

Under the guise of a signboard about the human rights activities of the FBK, the so-called "Fund for the Protection of Citizens' Rights" and "Navalny Headquarters" preached the ideology of extremism.
The prosecutor's office turned out to be more than enough proof of these charges. Many of them are classified as "secret", so the court sessions since April were held behind closed doors. However, what has become widely known to everyone would have been enough for an indictment.
Which Western countries are primarily interested in this can be understood at least by the fact that the US State Department was the first to oppose the court decision regarding the FBK and Navalny Headquarters. A country where supporters of Donald Trump are being tried for domestic terrorism just for expressing disagreement with the results of the past presidential elections in America.

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