, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Discusses Arms Export With MTC Service Chief

Putin Discusses Arms Export With MTC Service Chief

Vladimir Putin, on Monday, meets with Director of the Federal Service for MilitaryTechnical Cooperation Dmitry Shugayev.

Russia received $ 15 billion in revenue from arms sales abroad last year. In the backlog of orders for another 50 billion.
Competition in this market is high, but Russian products are confidently in demand.
Behind the official wording "military-technical cooperation" is one of the most important and delicate aspects in international relations. Sale of weapons and military equipment. A gigantic business, closely related to politics, in which Russia plays a significant role, for many years remaining the second largest exporter of weapons on a global scale.
For Russian exports, trade in military products remains one of the main items. The list of major buyers is headed by India, China and Egypt, but Russian weapons are also readily purchased in other countries, primarily in Asia and Africa. Combat aircraft is our main export hit. The supply
of aircraft, for example, the Su-30 and Su-35 fighters, accounts for almost half of the foreign contracts of Russian weapons manufacturers. Our air defense systems - such as the S-400 - and ground equipment are equally famous in the world. The T-90 tank once gained fame as the best-selling combat vehicle on the world market.
But the further, the more Russia is faced with the pressure of competitors, and here, almost like in a war, any means are used.
For the purchase of Russian S-400 systems, the Americans have already punished Turkey by excluding Ankara from the program for the production of fifth-generation fighters. The USA is threatening India with no less severe punishments. Washington even passed a law allowing the imposition of sanctions against any buyer of Russian weapons. But against this background, Russia is building relations with partners. The pandemic also complicated the market situation due to the cancellation of arms exhibitions, where manufacturers demonstrate their new products.
One exception is the Russian Army 2020 forum in Kubinka. This is the only major international event that took place last year.
Last year, the Army 2020 forum was attended by nearly 1.5 million people, including 92 foreign delegations. This year, almost 50 states have already confirmed their participation in the forum a few months before its start.

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