, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Does Not Expect Much From Upcoming Russia US Summit

Putin Does Not Expect Much From Upcoming Russia US Summit

President Biden is a very experienced man, he has been in politics all his life, Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Russian TV channel ORT on Friday.

The Russian leader is counting on the Biden-Putin summit to be held in a positive manner. However, he does not expect anything breakthrough in Russian-American relations.
Even the mere fact that the presidents will hold this meeting and talk about the possibility of restoring bilateral relations is not a bad thing.
Putin is counting on a positive result from the upcoming meeting. He hopes that conditions will be created in order to take the next steps to normalize Russian-American relations and address the issues facing both countries.
The entire international community is interested in this. This refers to issues of strategic stability, environmental agenda and regional conflicts.
The President said that he remembers very well the previous meeting, when he was the Prime Minister of Russia, and Mr. Biden is the Secretary of State, and he expects that the experience of the current US President will be a positive factor that will affect the results of the upcoming meeting in Geneva.

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