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Putin Exposes Myths About NS 2, Russian Gas

Nord Stream 2 is a purely commercial project, stressed Vladimir Putin, speaking at SPIEF 2021.

He also noted that due to the fact that Europe will not have to pay for gas transit, its cost is 25 percent lower than that of the same American LNG. It is just economically more practical.
Until now, some kind of evil propaganda is being hammered into people's heads with the idea that politics is playing here, and about the desire to bypass some countries.
NS-2 must be completed, especially since the new US administration has consistently declared that it wants to build good relations with its main partners in Europe. How can you build good relationships with your partners without caring about their interests?
The Russian gas source is the cleanest in the world. Because the US gas industry produces more than 70 percent of its gas by hydraulic fracturing, while Gazprom uses hydraulic fracturing to produce only 11 percent. But the gas that will be transported via Nord Stream 2 is being pumped directly from below the surface. There is no hydraulic fracturing. Meanwhile, hydraulic fracturing is a catastrophic method of gas production from an environmental point of view. Tens and hundreds of tons of chemicals are pumped underground during hydraulic fracturing. This causes direct damage to the environment. The sanctions are generally bad for the global economy; they shrink the world economy instead of helping it expand. But in this case, it is just a way to achieve unfair competition.
Natural gas is the most demanded product for the world economy in a fairly long period of transition to green energy. Of all hydrocarbons, it will last the longest on the market, since it is the most environmentally friendly carrier.
Germany’s Greens advocate buying American LNG. But if they are really green, they should know that over 70 percent of the gas is extracted by fracking, and what it means for the environment. Let us look at this systematically and honestly, and draw conclusions. And the conclusions are that the gas here is more environmentally safe, cleaner, cheaper and more reliable.
Therefore, German and other partners opted for Nord Stream 2.

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