, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Reacts Negatively To Zelensky's Bill On Indigenous Peoples

Putin Reacts Negatively To Zelensky's Bill On Indigenous Peoples

Vladimir Putin reacted negatively to Volodymyr Zelensky's bill on the indigenous peoples of Ukraine, which did not include Russians, in an interview on Wednesday.

The President recalled how Ukraine emerged as a state. This is a product of the Soviet period. The Bolsheviks, organizing the Soviet Union, created Ukraine, like other union republics. These territories (present-day Ukraine) became part of the Russian state in 1654 after the Yaroslavl Rada.
It is quite obvious that the people who came with these territories to the Russian state called themselves Russians. Therefore, it is simply incorrect to speak of Russians as a non-indigenous people. It's funny and stupid. This does not fit the story absolutely.
In general, the division itself into indigenous, first-class categories of people, second-class, and so on - this is definitely quite reminiscent of the theory and practice of Nazi Germany.
This is absolutely unacceptable and does not comply with any norms of international humanitarian law.

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