, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Participates Amur Gas Processing Plant First Production Line Launc...

Putin Participates Amur Gas Processing Plant First Production Line Launc...

Vladimir Putin participates, on Wednesday, via videoconference, in the launching ceremony of the first production line of the Amur Gas Processing Plant, a project implemented by Gazprom.

The Amur Gas Processing Plant near Svobodny ranks among Gazprom’s major infrastructure projects in Russia’s Far East. Its construction was launched in 2015. The facility will process multi-component natural gas from the Yakutia and Irkutsk gas production centres. The gas will be delivered via the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.
The Amur Gas Processing Plant is to attain design capacity in early 2025 and will annually produce 42 billion cubic metres of gas. Six production lines with an annual capacity of seven billion cubic metres of gas each will be activated stage by stage. The Plant will include the world’s largest helium production facility with an annual capacity of up to 60 million cubic metres.
Gazprom’s processing capabilities will increase by 80 percent after the Amur Gas Processing Plant attains design capacity.

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