, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: Russia, US Will Start Cooperation In Cybersecurity

Putin: Russia, US Will Start Cooperation In Cybersecurity

Vladimir Putin said he and Joe Biden had agreed to begin consultations on cybersecurity, answering a CNN question after the Russia-US summit.

The President announced the top countries from which cyberspace is the source of the most cyber attacks. American sources said most of the world's cyber attacks originate from US cyberspace. Canada is in second place. followed by two Latin American countries and then Great Britain. Russia is not on the list of countries from which cyberspace is the source of the most cyber attacks.
Russia in 2020 received 10 requests from the United States about cyberattacks on US targets, from Russian cyberspace. Two more requests were received this year. They received comprehensive answers to all of them, both in 2020 and this year.
In turn, Russia sent 45 inquiries to the relevant US agency last year and 35 inquiries in the first half of this year. And so far, have not received a single answer.
The question of who, on what scale and in what area should undertake obligations should be decided in the course of negotiations. Russia and the United States agreed to start such consultations.

Cybersecurity is extremely important in the world in general, for the United States in particular, and to the same extent for Russia.

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