, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Talks About Ukraine After Biden Summit

Putin Talks About Ukraine After Biden Summit

Vladimir Putin said that Russia has only one obligation regarding Ukraine, which is to facilitate the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, answering a relevant question from CNN after the Russia-US summit.

In November 2020, the Ukrainian delegation presented its vision of how it plans to implement the Minsk agreements. They say that it is first necessary to make proposals for the political integration of Donbass into the Ukrainian legal system and the Constitution. For this, it is necessary to amend the Constitution - this is spelled out in the agreements. Daooee, the border between the Russian Federation and Ukraine along the Donbass line will begin to be occupied by the border troops of Ukraine the day after election day (Article 9).
This means that Ukrainian troops will enter Donbass. Then, they offered to close the border between Russia and Ukraine in this area. Finally, they proposed holding elections three months after these two steps.
All these proposals of the Ukrainian authorities have nothing to do with the Minsk agreements. They completely contradict them.

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