, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Supports Devoted 'Infantryman' Kadyrov In Upcoming Elections

Putin Supports Devoted 'Infantryman' Kadyrov In Upcoming Elections

Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov via videoconference.

They discussed socio-economic issues, dwelled separately on the situation with the coronavirus: there is a small daily increase, but in general everything is under control, this also applies to the stock of test systems, drugs and beds.
Kadyrov also reported on how the President's instructions are being carried out in the republic.
The Chechen Republic under the leadership of Ramzan Kadyrov has become one of the safest Russian regions.
They discussed socio-economic issues, dwelled separately on the situation with the coronavirus: there is a small daily increase, but in general everything is under control, this also applies to the stock of test systems, drugs and beds. Kadyrov also reported on how the President's instructions are being carried out in the republic.
'The region is completely ready for the elections. Therefore, as your devoted infantryman, I await further instructions and am ready to carry out any of your orders,' Chechen' heads notes.
'You work effectively, you know the situation from the inside. Therefore, I believe that you need to go to the polls and continue your work. For my part, I can only wish you success,' the President concluded.

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