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Russia's Officials Reacts To British Destroyer Incident

In connection with the destroyer HMS Defender incident on Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned British Ambassador to Russia Deborah Bronnert. On Smolenskaya Square, she was told that such incidents were unacceptable and would be stopped.

However, official London continues to pretend that nothing happened: there was no violation of the border, as well as warning shots. And even the footage filmed aboard the same Defender by British journalists could not change this point of view.
According to the official version of the British Department of Defense, none of this happened. Russian Air Force planes did not fly over the Royal Navy destroyer Defender, no alert was announced on the bridge with dressing up in fire suits, the Coast Guard ships did not require a change of course, and Air Force journalist Jonathan Bale, along with the crew, apparently became victims of a collective hallucination: 'Russian ship The Coast Guard is approaching very close to the destroyer and is now trying to force it to change course...'
The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Nikolai Evmenov, has no doubts about the intentions of the British ship: 'Well, I think that it was such a simple, rude, deliberate provocation. Blatant violation of all international laws...'
At this moment in London, Prime Minister Johnson suddenly blabbed out - in the sense that, answering a question about the story with the destroyer, he reminded about the non-recognition of Crimea as part of Russia.
Aside from the famous British politeness, it is obvious that Russia was being tested for its strength. Well, they got a direct Russian response, both military and diplomatic.
'The issue of the ownership of Crimea was closed once and for all in 2014, when the inhabitants of the peninsula, residents of Sevastopol, made a free choice in favor of returning to their homeland, to the Russian Federation.
Those who try to test us for strength are taking risks, they are taking great risks. I invite the Royal Navy to consider renaming this ship from Defender to Aggressor. I think it will be more correct. And we will rebuff the aggressors,' said Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.
In an interview with news agencies, he spoke even more specifically, warning Western partners that if it was not clear to someone, Russia could bomb not only at the course, but also at the target.
The Kremlin has developed this idea. 'In the event of a repetition of unacceptable provocative actions, if these actions go too far, no options can be ruled out in terms of the legal protection of the Russian border,' said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian President.
There are different options in service - for example, the coastal missile systems Bastion or Ball, well, and a lot of other things that do not imply warning firing.

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