, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Climate Change

Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Climate Change

Cooperation on climate issues is critically important for Moscow and Washington, and it could give impetus to the development of relations in other areas. This was discussed at a meeting between Sergey Lavrov and the US President's Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry.

They have known each other for a long time - ever since Kerry was Secretary of State under Obama. 
The American came on a working visit. Russia and the United States are preparing for a large international conference on climate, which will be held in Glasgow in the fall, and at the same time are looking for points of contact that would help establish a bilateral dialogue.

Lavrov considers Kerry's visit an important and positive signal from the point of view of improving relations, removing tensions in them and starting normal professional work in areas where Russia and the United States can find common denominators. This approach is fully consistent with the spirit of the Geneva Summit. Lavrov and Kerry seem to intend to strengthen it in every possible way on the basis of a mutually beneficial dialogue aimed at balancing interests.

US and Russia, being among the leaders in greenhouse gas emissions, must act together on climate change, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said during talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

"The deal is to be able to deal with the climate issue separately. It’s too important, too significant, and we very much need to move together. The US is the world’s second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, Russia is the fourth. We are among that small group of 20 nations that is the equivalent of 80% of all emissions. What we do, what we decide to do is critical," Kerry said.

He underscored that the cooperation between Washington and Moscow on climate must develop despite the existing disagreements. Kerry noted that Washington is glad that Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the virtual summit on climate in April, and that the White House believes that the Geneva summit was constructive and was important for both countries.

Kerry paid special attention to Russia’s role in the Arctic, including its current presidency in the Arctic Council.
"The Arctic [is] melting at the rate faster than anything we’ve ever measured, the fastest in the world," he noted.

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