, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Article 'On The Historical Unity Of Russians And Ukrainians'

Putin's Article 'On The Historical Unity Of Russians And Ukrainians'

On Monday, Vladimir Putin's article "On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians" was published. The topic is sensitive for both peoples, therefore it is debatable. The story, without which it is impossible to understand why everything is so now... it long, with breaks, but with all its acuteness it is a common one - a conviction that the President of Russia has expressed more than once in one form or another. Now it is a picture unfolded in time for readers on both sides of the border. 

On the Kremlin's website, the President's article appeared in two languages at once - Russian and Ukrainian, so that all residents of the neighboring state can familiarize themselves with it. And it is worth doing it, because now in Ukraine it has become fashionable to rewrite history. First, Putin emphasizes that his thesis of the unity of Russians and Ukrainians is not a tribute to the political situation, but a conviction. Parts of one people were divided artificially...
At the same time, Putin emphasizes: Russia has never been and will never be "anti-Ukraine." Our country is open for dialogue and is ready to discuss the most difficult issues.

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