, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Peskov Reacts To US, Germany Statement On Nord Stream 2

Peskov Reacts To US, Germany Statement On Nord Stream 2

Russia has always been and remains the guarantor of Europe's energy security. This was stated today by the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the joint statement of the United States and Germany on Nord Stream 2. It, in particular, speaks of support for Ukraine and retaliatory actions if Russia suddenly tries to use energy as a weapon.

Peskov stressed that Moscow has never viewed energy resources as an instrument of political pressure. And to the news that Berlin will seek to extend the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine, he replied as follows:
For some reason, the Russian Federation is not mentioned here, although this agreement can only be extended between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Therefore, the effect of this statement, I do not know how to translate it into other languages, but in Russian - "no one informed me about my marriage." Nevertheless, I want to remind you that President Putin has repeatedly, including a few days ago, spoke of Russia's readiness to discuss the extension of the agreement on gas transit through Ukraine after 2024. This is exclusively a matter of economic feasibility and profitability.

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