, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Heavy Rains Hit Several Russian Regions

Heavy Rains Hit Several Russian Regions

Heavy rains hit several Russian regions at once.

In Transbaikalia, because of this, the railway bridge on the Trans-Siberian Railway collapsed. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but the movement is paralyzed. In addition, five more road bridges were washed away.
Rostov-on-Don was literally flooded. The streets of the city have turned into rivers. Water poured into the bus cabins, passengers in search of rescue climbed onto the handrails. In one of the districts a mudflow came down, many cars had to be pulled out by hand. The blow of the elements fell on Stavropol. There is a thunderstorm, a squally wind.
A similar situation is in Tambov, but some townspeople decided to take advantage of the situation and go in for extreme sports.

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