, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin: Human Rights & Freedoms Are Greatest Value

Putin: Human Rights & Freedoms Are Greatest Value

Vladimir Putin on Wednesday in the mode of videoconference, addressed the Conference of Heads of Prosecutor's Offices of European States, which is taking place in St. Petersburg.

Despite the difference in powers and the specifics of national legislation, prosecutorial offices play an important role in ensuring the priority of law in European countries, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as the interests of the state and society. These main goals and objectives unite European prosecutors' offices and underline the importance of cooperation and constructive professional partnership.
Putin stressed the importance of the upcoming discussion of the role of the prosecutor's office in protecting civil rights in accordance with the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights: 'People, their rights and freedoms are the greatest value, and the state's duty is to create effective mechanisms for their smooth implementation.'
Also, compliance with the norms and requirements of environmental safety, the fight against cybercrime and the fight against illegal migration deserve serious attention. These are common challenges for all European countries, and the effectiveness of a joint response to them will largely determine social stability, law and order, as well as the sustainable development of the states of the European continent.

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