, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Marks 300th Anniversary Of Kuzbass

Putin Marks 300th Anniversary Of Kuzbass

300 years since the industrial development of Kuzbass. An important date for the entire region. It is one of the largest coal deposits in the world. And Vladimir Putin came to discuss the ambitious plans set by the residents of Kuzbass.

This flaming heart can be seen from kilometers away - there is no better symbol of the hard and selfless labor of the miners. A miner growing out of a block of coal looks at the capital of Kuzbass, which appeared thanks to such nameless heroes.
Laying flowers at the monument to the Kuzbass miners is the first point on Vladimir Putin's trip to the region. Governor Sergei Tsivilev attended the ceremony with the head of state.
Now a new page is being filled in the history of Kuzbass: roads, housing are being built in the region, kindergartens, schools and hospitals are opening.
The first Presidential Cadet School beyond the Urals has opened, where boys from all over the country come. The head of state was given a tour of the buildings, equipped with the latest technology, where cadets study robotics and artificial intelligence, master science and play sports.
The Governor proposed building a similar cadet corps for girls and asked the president to support the project.
On behalf of the President, a cultural and educational cluster is being built here, the same ones are being built in Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and Sevastopol. Branches of the Mariinsky Theater, the Russian Museum, a music school at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory, and corps of the country's leading universities will appear in Kemerovo.
According to the project, the Siberian cluster was supposed to be completed in 2023, but the builders are ahead of schedule - the first buildings will open the doors this academic year.
The new facility also hosts celebrations for the 300th anniversary of the region: the Kuzbass Ice Palace is capable of receiving six thousand spectators. But the number of guests was reduced due to the difficult situation with the coronavirus, and security measures were increased.
The head of state congratulated the people of Kuzbass, stressing that the main wealth of the region is its people with special Siberian hardening.
This Siberian character, as before, can give a new impetus to the development of the region. The future of the region was discussed at a meeting between the President and the Governor. Sergei Tsivilev reported on the already built and renovated schools, sports complexes, and outlined the tasks for the future.
In addition, the government approved the Kuzbass development program until 2024 - the region will be allocated more than 50 billion rubles from the federal budget. And here the emphasis will be placed on the participation of Kuzbass companies.

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