, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Address To University Graduates

Putin's Address To University Graduates

On Saturday at midnight, Vladimir Putin congratulated university graduates on completing their studies.

July 10, all of Russia celebrates a special day - the All-Russian Student Graduation Day. The President warmly congratulated the young specialists who had just defended their theses on the successful completion of their studies at universities.
Student years become history, and they enter a completely new stage, when almost everything will depend on themselves.
In a modern world, it is extremely important to constantly search for and obtain new knowledge and skills, to be always aware of the most advanced solutions in your professional spheres, to be able to introduce and use them; and this concerns virtually all careers.
Putin wished everyone success in their search for their unique path and their true vocation: 'Yes, it does not always happen right away, the first time. But the most important thing here is not to give up, and then you will definitely find a career that will fully reveal your knowledge, abilities and the best human qualities. You will be totally proud of this career because it will benefit the people and will serve the whole of Russia.'

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