, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russia, US Managed To Agree/UNSC Adopted Resolution On Syria

Russia, US Managed To Agree/UNSC Adopted Resolution On Syria

The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution on which Russian and American representatives worked together.

It concerns the mechanism for providing humanitarian assistance to Syria. Today the only border crossing on the border of the Arab Republic expired, through which supplies from Turkey went without agreement with Damascus. According to the approved resolution, the checkpoint will continue to function for at least six months. In addition, as noted by the permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya, the document emphasizes the need for progress in establishing supplies through the contact lines, which was not the case before: 'Today we are witnessing a historic moment. For the first time, Russia and the United States managed not only to come to an agreement, but also to present a joint text, which was supported by all our colleagues on the Council. We hope that such a scenario will become a turning point, from which not only Syria and the Middle East region will benefit, but the whole world as a whole.'
'Of course, I think this is an important point in our relationship. It shows that we are capable of working with Russia through diplomatic channels to achieve common goals. We came to an agreement on one of them. I look forward to expanding opportunities to work with Russia on other issues of common interest,' said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations.

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