, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Proposal For St Petersburg Transport Hub Development

Putin's Proposal For St Petersburg Transport Hub Development

Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting on the development of the transport system in St Petersburg and Leningrad Region, on Monday.

According to the President, such a project for such a large agglomeration as St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region will certainly be in demand.
The head of state recalled that the ring road and the Western High-Speed Diameter, interchanges had already been built earlier. However, he drew attention to the fact that more than 7 million people live in the city and its environs, so the development of transport is extremely important. They are important for people, for the economy, for the tourism infrastructure, the president said, proposing to discuss at the meeting what will need to be done additionally in order for the situation to continue to improve.

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