, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Joint Russian-Tajik-Uzbek Military Exercises Completes Near Afghan Border

Joint Russian-Tajik-Uzbek Military Exercises Completes Near Afghan Border

A joint exercise with the participation of 2,500 servicemen from Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan was successfully completed at the Harb-Maidon training ground.

It was announced by Commander of the Central Military District Colonel-General Alexander Lapin.

He noted that the exercise was conducted against the background of the aggravation of the situation and the threat of penetration of radical terrorist groups into the border countries of the Central Asian region.  “I am sure that future joint actions will help strengthen the military community, protect our countries from military aggression,” added the commander of the Central Military District.

Tajikistan’s Defense Minister Colonel General Sherali Mirzo, in turn, noted that the three countries had held counter-terrorism drills like that for the first time. Uzbekistan’s Chief of the General Staff Shukhrat Kholmukhamedov also noted that the situation in Afghanistan "requires us to remain vigilant and maintain our combat capabilities."

In total, more than 2.5 thousand military personnel including 1.8 thousand from Russia, and about 500 units of weapons and military equipment were involved. The basis of the Russian military contingent at the exercise were the units of the 201st military base.

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