, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Remarks At UN SC Debate On Maritime Security

Putin's Remarks At UN SC Debate On Maritime Security

Vladimir Putin participates, via videoconference, on Monday in the UN Security Council high-level debate Maintenance of international peace and security: Maritime security.

"The sea and oceans have always linked people and civilizations. Unfortunately, sea routes are fraught with many threats. That is why it is important that today we are considering significant practical issues related to the fight against "piracy of the 21st century", that is, with the aim of creating a more effective counteraction to transnational crime and preventing the use of seas and oceans for criminal purposes," the President said.
Putin believes it would be useful to regularly exchange views and best practices in the fight against terrorism, armed robbery and maritime crime.
"In this context, it would be feasible to think about establishing a special structure within the UN that would directly address problems related to combatting maritime crime in various regions. At the same time, this body would rest on UN member states’ support and actively involve experts, representatives of civil society, researchers and even private businesses in its work. We hope that our partners would consider Russia’s proposal constructively," Putin stressed.
The event took place at the initiative of Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi. India holds the presidency of the UN Security Council in August 2021.

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