, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin's Message To Newly Elected Governors: 'To Serve People'

Putin's Message To Newly Elected Governors: 'To Serve People'

In a video meeting with the newly elected governors, Vladimir Putin stressed that they must always remember the most important thing - that they are in the public service and must serve the people who entrusted them with such a high position and who expect them to work effectively.

"You all have experience of such work and you know how complicated and intense it is. you realise that a colossal responsibility to the people is bestowed upon you. you must assert their trust daily, work for them and for their sake, as we say, roll up your sleeves, with your heart and with your soul, proving that you are in the right place and deserve such a high position, and proving the viability of election programmes and promises with concrete deeds. you should target your management teams towards unquestionable resolution of urgent social and economic problems in the regions, and of course, sustaining their effective and dynamic progress," Putin said.
The President asked the governors to personally monitor the implementation of national projects and monitor how the measures taken on the ground are being implemented to support families with children and other categories of citizens, small and medium-sized businesses, to conduct comprehensive medical examinations. and medical rehabilitation of people who have had COVID-19. "We are launching a big programme now. a special emphasis should be laid on the issues of employment, including and maybe primarily on the employment of young specialists and those in the pre-retirement group. you know that occasionally some issues arise here," Putin added.

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