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#UNCharterIsOurRules - Lavrov Supports UN

In his address to the 76th session of the UNGA on Saturday, Sergey Lavrov offered a hashtag for social networks in support of the UN Charter - #UNCharterIsOurRules.

The hashtag will be launched in six official languages of the UN - Russian, English, French, Arabic, Chinese and Spanish. This initiative is aimed at supporting the UN Charter, which is a basic source of international law. The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly stated that the UN Charter is violated and comes under attacks by the states, which are promoting the concept of "a rules-based international order."
"Russia calls for adapting the UN Security Council to the realities of a polycentric world order, enlarging it with Asian and Latin American countries," Sergey Lavrov said.
According to Lavrov, Russia is convinced that it is time to learn lessons from the dangerous reverberations of the policy to undermine the UN-centered architecture, which was shaped after World War II and has more than once served as a reliable insurance against catastrophic scenarios.

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