, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Highlights Threats Posed By Climate Change

Putin Highlights Threats Posed By Climate Change

Russia, just as many other countries, feels all the climate change-related threats and risks, Vladimir Putin said at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

"Climate change is a global problem. Just as many other countries, we see and feel all the threats and risks involved, such as desertification, soil erosion, and thawing permafrost, which constitutes about 60% of our territory," Putin said.
Moreover, Putin went on to say, Russia's average annual temperature is rising 2.5 times faster than the global one. "Over ten years it has been up by nearly 0.5 degrees. In the Arctic the warming rate is still higher," he recalled.
All this determines Russia's conscious, serious approach to the problem of global warming, Putin added.
Russia diligently complies with all of its obligations and provides support for the corresponding international initiatives and will keep doing so in the future.
"In the first place, this concerns the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement," he explained.

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