, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Сongratulates Russia's Teachers

Putin Сongratulates Russia's Teachers

Russia celebrate a good holiday, Teacher's Day, Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday, at the meeting with winners and finalists of Russia Teacher of the Year contest.

"I wish all the best to you, to all Russian teachers on this wonderful day. it is always filled with joyful, positive emotions and kind words, the smiles of your pupils, their parents, your colleagues, and sincere feelings of gratitude for your noble work, for your effort, for what you are doing for the country, for its future – everything you do, undoubtedly, directly affects its future, and this contribution cannot be overestimated," Putin added.
To highlight the importance of the teaching profession for Russian society, 2023, when country will be marking the 200th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Ushinsky, the founding father of Russian pedagogy, will be the year of teachers and mentors. This will be the Year of the Teacher.

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