, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Russia Worries About Growing Tensions In Tajik-Afghan Relations

Russia Worries About Growing Tensions In Tajik-Afghan Relations

Russia are observing with concern the growing tension in Tajik-Afghan ties amid the tough rhetoric of the two countries’ leaders. there have been reports of both sides pulling armed forces towards the common border. according to the information from the Taliban, in Afghanistan’s border province of Takhar alone there are tens of thousands of special forces fighters. Russia calls on Dushanbe and Kabul to search for mutually acceptable options to resolve the situation, Russian diplomat Alexey Zaytsev said on Friday.

Afghanistan is also facing socioeconomic challenges. A decrease in cash turnover has been noted, and the country’s banking sector is paralysed. an overwhelming majority of public sector employees, including the Taliban military personnel, do not receive their salaries. the deplorable state of the national economy has resulted in a sharp rise in prices, while industrial production has declined. "In these conditions, we have taken note of the decision by the US Treasury Department to allow state institutions, international and nongovernmental organisations to provide humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

We view this as a positive signal, especially since the United States bears the bulk of the responsibility for the developments taking place in Afghanistan today. a positive response from the Taliban has already followed," Zaytsev added.
Moscow also note another statement made by Taliban official spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid about the intention to stop drug trafficking from Afghanistan. Russia hopes the Kabul leadership will take active efforts to counter the Afghan drug threat.

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