, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Ukraine Once Again Shows Unwillingness To Comply With Minsk Agreements

Ukraine Once Again Shows Unwillingness To Comply With Minsk Agreements

The approach of the Ukrainian authorities to the settlement of the conflict in Donbass and the protection of human rights and the rights of ethnic minorities continues to be of serious concern to Russia, Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department Alexey Zaytsev said on Friday, at the briefing.

The most recent meeting of the Contact Group and its subgroups on the settlement of the crisis in eastern Ukraine took place online on September 28-29. the lack of specific agreements between the parties to the conflict – Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk – came as an unpleasant, but no longer surprising, outcome of these meetings. the Ukrainian negotiators have once again shown an unwillingness to fulfill their obligations under the Minsk agreements.
Kiev’s policy of sabotaging the Minsk Package of Measures is reflected in their legislative activities. earlier, we discussed the draft law On the Principles of State Policy during the Transition Period, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in August and which directly contradicts the Minsk agreements. this draft law was not discussed with Donetsk or Lugansk. there was no mention of the region’s special status or fundamental rights, nor amnesty for its residents. notably, the most recent report released by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on September 23, 2021 said that “the bill does not meet international standards, does not provide a ... focus on the protection of victims.”
Kiev’s contemptuous disregard for Donbass residents is further illustrated by the situation on the line of contact. the data provided by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission testify to new military preparations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. the engineering work they carried out this summer is categorised as an offensive action under the Ceasefire Reinforcement Measures adopted in July 2020. recently, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, said that the Ukrainian military could open return fire without the approval of the country’s leadership. he reiterated that Ukrainian sniper groups had arrived at the line of contact. this contradicts the above document’s provisions. as a result, the number of shelling attacks has been up and the number of victims, including civilians, has increased as well. the UN OHCHR report explicitly states that areas outside the Kiev regime’s control account for 77 percent of the fatalities.
Ukraine residing abroad also have to deal with this. Ukrainian consular offices refuse to provide consular services to their citizens from eastern Ukraine and direct them to Russian consulates which is egregious practice for a consular office.
"Of course, Russian diplomats are trying to help them to the best of their ability and legal capacity, since Ukrainians are not strangers to us," Diplomat added.
Kiev’s hostility towards its own citizens can be seen throughout Ukraine where discrimination against the Russian-speaking and ethnic Russian population continues unabated. people are deprived of the opportunity to live in their native linguistic and cultural environment. UN experts point out that despite the presence in the Constitution of Ukraine of guarantees of free development, use and protection of the Russian and other languages ​​of ethnic minorities, the use of the Russian language is practically outlawed in the country, and “internet bullying and calls for violence, as well as threats and intimidation are used against those who express positive opinions about the Russian language or otherwise express views regarded as pro-Russian.”
Residents of Ukraine are increasingly faced with mockery over the memory of their ancestors on the part of neo-Nazis and nationalists, and the distortion of history of the lands that are part of Ukraine today.
'We have repeatedly expressed all the above and other concerns on earlier occasions. however, Kiev ignores us and the recommendations issued by international agencies. we call on Ukraine’s Western curators, primarily the United States and the EU, to pay close attention to the years-long humiliation and destruction of its own population by the Kiev regime and to persuade the Ukrainian authorities to end the fratricidal war in Donbass and the massive human rights violations, including discrimination against ethnic minorities," Zaytsev noted.

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