, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov: West Prefers To Make Deals Within Narrow Circle, Where It Is Unchallenged

Lavrov: West Prefers To Make Deals Within Narrow Circle, Where It Is Unchallenged

The Western countries find it more preferable to clinch deals within a narrow circle, where they remain unchallenged, and to conduct discussions on crucial issues outside universal organizations, Sergey Lavrov told the Rossiya-24 round-the-clock television news channel in interview.

"The collective West, aware that its arguments get ever more vulnerable, because its policies are geared to slowing down objective processes of the emergence of a polycentric world in full compliance with the UN Charter, finds it more preferable to conduct discussions on crucial issues outside the universal organizations and to clinch deals within a narrow circle, where it remains unchallenged. I am referring to the collective West, which once in a while invites some "obedient countries" to join in. their role is that of backstage extras, of creating an impression the process is somewhat larger than a purely Western one," he said.
Lavrov remarked that with the emergence of a multipolar world the variety of voices in the United Nations was now heard much better.
As it sends invitations to countries to a "summit for democracy," the United States is keen to demonstrate that this is a mass movement, Sergey Lavrov said.
"The 'summit for democracy' pursues the aim of classifying people and countries into democratic and undemocratic ones. The way I see it, the Americans wish to achieve the maximum loyalty, to create an impression there is a mass Washington-led movement," Lavrov said.
"It would be amusing to see who specifically has been invited and in what capacity," Lavrov said. "I am nearly certain that there will be attempts to lure in some of our strategic partners and allies," he said.

Lavrov hopes that "they will demonstrate commitment to their obligations that exist on other platforms, and not at some artificially and unofficially convened one-time summits."
Lavrov said that both Russia and China were absent from the list of those invited.
"Some of our partners have been whispering into our ears that they had been asked to get ready and that an invitation was due soon. Asked what they will be doing there they reply they will make a statement online. A final statement will be issued afterwards. Is it possible to take a look at it? They reply it will be shown later. It is a sovereign-vassals type of relationship," Lavrov said.
On August 11, the White House said that US President Joe Biden was convening a Summit for Democracy. It is expected that the forthcoming conference will consider three basic issues: protection from authoritarianism, struggle against corruption and human rights.

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