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Putin Recounts Breathtaking Real Story Of National Unity' Symbolism Of Sevastopol Monument

It is a great statue I think, and I recommend everyone to see it. and the story itself is quite exciting, I mean the people depicted – the Berens twin brothers as far as I know – looking so valiant and handsome. one of them joined the ‘red’ side and commanded the navy in the Russian Federation, and the other – the White Movement naval forces. both were admirals, and they never saw each other again after one of them emigrated from Russia. both died without ever seeing each other again, Vladimir Putin said.

It is an interesting story, and I hope that this symbolism – the twins, two naval commanders standing side by side on this pedestal – truly reflects a return to the unity of the multiethnic Russian nation, Russian President added.
The monument presents a sculptural composition with two male figures at the centre symbolising the two opposing sides in the Civil War. Above them rises a statue on a pedestal representing Mother Russia that calls on its sons to be reconciled. The bottom of the monument carries the inscription: “We are a single people, and we have only one Russia.” This is where the eternal flame is burning.

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