, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Revaccinated With Sputnik Light & Wants To Participate In Nasal Coronavirus Vaccine Tests

Putin Revaccinated With Sputnik Light & Wants To Participate In Nasal Coronavirus Vaccine Tests

Vladimir Putin said on Sunday he wants to participate in the tests of a nasal coronavirus vaccine developed by Russia’s Gamaleya Center.

"Can I take part in this experiment?," Putin asked the Center’s deputy director, Denis Logunov, after he told the president about the Center’s new development.

"Naturally," Logunov said, adding that the president will have to sign a written consent for that.
"I will sign it. OK. I will sign with no fail. We can do it today," Putin said.

Putin also told Logunov he had got revaccinated against COVID-19 with Sputnik Light and felt well.
In October, the Gamaleya Center received a Russian health ministry’s permit for the second phase of clinical tests of a nasal form of the coronavirus vaccine. The Center’s director Alexander Gintsburg said that the nasal form would be an addition to the regular vaccine to ensure an extra barrier to the infection.

More than 50 million Russians have got inoculated with the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine and nearly 120 million people have received this vaccine in other countries, Vladimir Putin said on Sunday.

"To date, more than 50 million people in Russia have received this vaccine and still more people in the world: more than 100 million, nearly 120 million have got vaccinated with this vaccine in those countries which recognized it," Putin said, adding that "this is a big data for analysis" of the jab’s efficacy.

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