, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Putin Says Russia To Remain Impartial Mediator In Middle East Settlement

Putin Says Russia To Remain Impartial Mediator In Middle East Settlement

Russia will continue to act as an impartial mediator in settling conflicts in the Middle East, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at an enlarged board meeting of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday.

"Russia has always acted and will continue to act as an impartial mediator in settling conflicts and crises in the Middle East and to promote stabilization of the situation in this region in every possible way," he said.
Putin recalled that Russia played a direct part in efforts to defeat international terrorism in Syria, thus preventing the collapse of that state.

"Then, within the framework of the Astana format together with Turkey and Iran an intra-Syrian settlement process was launched under UN auspices," he stressed.

Putin pointed out that Russian diplomacy should continue to promote normalization of relations between Syria and other Arab countries, its prompt return to the League of Arab States and the raising of international aid for improving the humanitarian situation in that country.

Also, Putin stressed that promotion of a Palestinian-Israeli settlement was of "fundamental importance for improving the situation in the Middle East."

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