, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Zakharova: Kiev Violates Minsk Accords By Using Drones In Donbass

Zakharova: Kiev Violates Minsk Accords By Using Drones In Donbass

Kiev violates the Minsk agreements when it uses drones in the conflict zone in Donbass, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday.

She recalled a report of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of November 6 describing a corresponding incident. She stressed that only OSCE monitors can use drones in the conflict zone in Donbass.
"Kiev violates the Minsk agreements," she wrote on her Telegram channel. "Paris and Berlin, who call for organizing meeting in the Normandy format, cannot pretend that they don’t see the unbridled behavior of the Kiev regime, which is killing the existing agreements and, most importantly, Ukraine’s hope for a peaceful life."

According to the OSCE SMM report of November 6, the mission’s monitor, who were on a patrolling mission, observed how Ukrainian troops were shooting in the air. The also observed a small-range grey drone not belonging to the SMM, which was flying at an altitude of 100-150 meters over the Ukrainian army positions and later over the mission’s patrol. The monitors also saw an explosion some 20-30 kilometers to the southeast of where they were staying. The OSCE SMM noted that it was a threat to the mission’s security.

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