, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Even Kiev Denies Western Mainstream Media' Fake About Russian Troops At Ukrainian Border

Even Kiev Denies Western Mainstream Media' Fake About Russian Troops At Ukrainian Border

Western mainstream is the very "nest" where anti-Russian policy is being formed publishes what the official Kiev already denies, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Sunday in an interview with the Voskresny Vecher (Sunday Evening) with Vladimir Solovyov on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

15-20 minutes ago, the press secretary of President Zelensky said that he did not know why the US media wrote such strange articles about the pulling of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border, she added.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s office has no data on the buildup of Russian troops at the country’s border, which was reported by the Washington Post, Ukrainian presidential press secretary Sergei Nikoforov said on Sunday.
"it is an open question why the American mass media are disseminating such information, whether it is true or not. but the presidential office now has no confirming information," he told the Dom television channel.
According to Nikoforov, Ukraine’s defense minister earlier reported about the security situation to the president but said nothing "about anything alarming."
The Washington Post reported on October 30 that US and European official had expressed concern over the alleged deployment of Russian troops to the border with Ukraine. According to the newspaper, Western nations have been observing these developments in the recent weeks, after Russia’s and Belarus’ joint drills Zapad-2021 in mid-September.
Ukraine’s defense ministry on Monday refuted media reports. On Wednesday, US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley said that no Russia’s threatening military activities had been observed near the border with Ukraine.

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