, pub-1075295645606918, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TKS: Lavrov Say Russia Concerns About Kiev's Attempts To provoke Its US-Curators

Lavrov Say Russia Concerns About Kiev's Attempts To provoke Its US-Curators

Russia are very concerned about Kiev’s attempts to provoke its curators, Sergey Lavrov commented on President Zelenskiy's belligerent rhetoric across Donbass on Tuesday.

The Russian minister emphasized the fragmented positions of the officials of the current Ukrainian government, headed by Zelensky.
"They have so many people, so many minds. Any of them can change their opinion several times a day. This is true of President Zelensky and his ministers. Former Deputy Prime Minister and new Defence Minister Alexei Reznikov said yesterday that Ukraine should invite (or has already invited) the Brits, the Americans and the Canadians to the frontline in Donbass. Two hours later he said they would not be invited. Apparently, his seniors told him he had gone too far. This process is described as a stream of consciousness. There are many streams flooding in different directions,"he said.
Peaceful settlement can only be achieved through straight, unequivocal implementation of the Minsk agreements. Everything is written in these agreements and translated into UN languages.
"I am confident that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is familiar with this document although he is trying to interpret it in an unacceptable manner that contradicts the text,"Lavrov added.
During the video negotiations between Putin and Biden, the Russian side clearly explained its approaches to a settlement in Ukraine and the need to force the Kiev regime to fulfill its obligations, which are written in black and white in the Minsk Package of Measures.

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